

New Member
Oct 22, 2006
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So the other day, I went to ASD to meet my Deaf penpal. It was rather awkward, because I can't sign a whole lot, but it was fun. I'm just curious, would it be insulting to ask him the next time I see him if he listens to music? I'm not entirely sure if he can hear a little bit or not at all, because he was talking as he signed, but... you never know, I suppose.

I've not much experience with Deaf people, and that was my first time seriuosly communicating through sign outside the classroom. And my teacher told us nothing of what is acceptable and what isn't...

So, the bottom line is, is it offensive to ask if someone can hear music?
Ask him if, he likes to dance. It will lead to discuss of music afterwards. :)
Lilium I can hear music with my hearing aids on. If I don't wear it and I won't be able to hear. Deaf people can feel music not hear. Deaf people feel vibe with music on.
I kind of figured they could feel the vibrations. Kind of like how Beethoven moved his piano to the floor to feel the bass as he pressed the keys.

And okay, I'll ask him if he likes to dance first. Haha. Thanks for the advice, d00d.