Man who donated sperm to resist state petition for child support

...The life partners decided that they didn’t want to stay together for life after all, an unfortunate development for the eight, count ‘em, eight kids they had accumulated during their relationship. Jennifer, the mother of the child who was 50% composed of Marotta’s DNA, decided that she wasn’t even a lesbian any more, and married a man, while the former same-sex couple agreed to jointly parent their brood. Then Jennifer applied for welfare. Bauer, meanwhile, became ill and could no longer provide her share of support for the child. Now stuck with the bill for raising eight children, Kansas began looking for someone else to foot part of the bill, and settled on…William Marotta....

All of this reminds me of my former co-worker who is a deaf black bodybuilder. Before he left his job, he told me about his plan that he'd apply for SSDI and make more babies with a woman he's with so he could get more money through additional child benefits under his SSDI. In other words, he was telling me that he no longer needs the job to earn a living. It's not my business but all I want to say is that he's lazy and takes advantage of SS benefits just because he doesn't like to work anymore.

My point is that so many people ask for government money since they have children instead of working their asses off. Sad! That's why Pres. Reagan had enough of those shits.