Making Music Accessible with Visualizer and Haptics Sensor: Questionnaire

Raju Katari

New Member
Nov 20, 2023
Reaction score
We are an FLL team trying to make hard of hearing people enjoy music better. Could you please help us by answering below questions.

1: What challenges do you face daily/listening?

2: Have you ever been to a musical event?

3: Have you ever used a product to help yourself experience music better?

4 How can helping people enjoy music be good?

5. We made a product called sound vibes this product includes a vibrating wristband and a visual to match to the music beat. This allows the user to get tactile and visual feedback.

We used an arduino uno board to control the vibrating motor when it detects the note (by AI). It then displays a color according to the note. Attached our our concept diagram

6: If it was on the market, would you buy our product? Our wristband is cheaper at 30 dollars. And our product can listen to the music and vibrate to the beat

Thank you,

Posted on behave of:
Robotism Group,
First Inspire FLL Team
(5th Grade Students; San Diego, CA, 92127)


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