Losing My Hearing


New Member
Apr 1, 2004
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About 2-3 weeks ago, I was at school in the morning & I was talking with my friend, for some reason, everyone around me started backing away, i was looking around wondering why, and all the sudden, a huge firecracker exploded in front of me. My ears were ringing so bad I couldn't hear anything! As the day went on my hearing still didn't come back, by then I was getting worried... I had also traveled to A.S.D.B (Arizona School for the Deaf and the Blind) for a field trip to see a play in sign. (it was awesome by the way) I wasn't worried then b/c I was around deaf people and I could communicate with them fine. At the end of the day my hearing still hadn't improved. I waited for a couple of days then went to my doctor. He said that I had lost 5% of my hearing and as time progressed he said that I could continue to lose more of my hearing, It really doesn't bug me though. I know sign, I will get along just fine. :)
oh dear corona... that sucks....it happens to the best of us.... your lucky you wherent hurt physicaly as a result of the firework
Deaf_Jen said:
oh dear corona... that sucks....it happens to the best of us.... your lucky you wherent hurt physicaly as a result of the firework

I look good today? LOL :laugh2: how is that? Yes I am very glad that i wan't hurt either, my little toe got burned :lol: but that was it, it is all better now
corona_babe135 said:
I look good today? LOL :laugh2: how is that? Yes I am very glad that i wan't hurt either, my little toe got burned :lol: but that was it, it is all better now

that is part of my signiture dude.. but im glad to see its working :mrgreen:
He said that I had lost 5% of my hearing and as time progressed he said that I could continue to lose more of my hearing, It really doesn't bug me though. I know sign, I will get along just fine.
Hey...it's great that you have such an awesome attitude...now when you go to Deaf gatherings you can claim membership in da club! I've noticed actually that many younger late-deafened people are now seeing being hoh as something that's cool! Have you seen an audi yet to confirm your loss? Are you interested in getting a hearing aid? How old are you? Are you still in school? You might want to go to the Special Ed dept and see if they have any helpful services. (like a notetaker or arranging for preferential seating and stuff like that)
Yeah...consider yourself lucky not to have been maimed nor seriously injured by the firecracker.
A lady in Carlton, Victoria, Australia -- lost her eyesight during an Easter Greek Orthx church fete (last year), when an illegal firecracker was thrown into the crowd outside the church. :squint:
corona_babe135 said:
About 2-3 weeks ago, I was at school in the morning & I was talking with my friend, for some reason, everyone around me started backing away, i was looking around wondering why, and all the sudden, a huge firecracker exploded in front of me.

Were any charges made against the person responsible for the firecracker?

If not, then I suggest that you get him/her charged, and set up a potential lawsuit. A person should not get away without consequences. This person caused the damage in your ears.

I wouldn't tolerate this type of behaviour.
Banjo said:
Were any charges made against the person responsible for the firecracker?

If not, then I suggest that you get him/her charged, and set up a potential lawsuit. A person should not get away without consequences. This person caused the damage in your ears.

I wouldn't tolerate this type of behaviour.

Pluss if you sued for damages it would help towards the cost of hearing equiptment... i understand that you americans get nothing free like we do in the uk

Man, thats crazy! why would anybody put firecracker in front of you? do you have enemies? lol! just kidding!...thats really irresponsible and inmature thing to do! it could have seriously injured you or worse!! you are indeed lucky it was just your hearing going a little..if you know who did it, you should report that person!...*shudders*........