looking for deaf girl to date or be friends with

For your info, This is not a dating service. Pls keep your info to yourself and find something else like an online dating service. This is ALLDEAF.com where we post bulletins and whatsoever. I repeat, this is not a dating service. :bye:
...with 30 posts and you just go up and ask if there's any single deaf girls around here??
Hi! My name is Jennifer. I am twenty years old, I use ASL, and you probably saw me last week on the cover of the Victoria's Secret catalog. No, not that silly blonde broad, I am the other more intelligent woman you saw. I also really like fondue. If you don't serve me fondue on the first date, I will cuss you out like there's no tomorrow because, honey, I'm the finest lady on the block and I can do damn well what I want. My ex didn't take that too well, and last I heard he ran for his life all the way to Omaha, Nebraska. Men. So anyway, yes.

You sound really, really cute!!! *screams*

Let's date, kinky boy. Fondue tomorrow night?
Endymion said:
Hi! My name is Jennifer. I am sixteen years old, I use ASL, and you probably saw me last week on the cover of the Victoria's Secret catalog. No, not that silly blonde broad, I am the other more intelligent woman you saw. You sound really, really cute!!! *screams*

Let's date, kinky boy.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Endymion said:
Hi! My name is Jennifer. I am twenty years old, I use ASL, and you probably saw me last week on the cover of the Victoria's Secret catalog. No, not that silly blonde broad, I am the other more intelligent woman you saw. I also really like fondue. If you don't serve me fondue on the first date, I will cuss you out like there's no tomorrow because, honey, I'm the finest lady on the block and I can do damn well what I want. My ex didn't take that too well, and last I heard he ran for his life all the way to Omaha, Nebraska. Men. So anyway, yes.

You sound really, really cute!!! *screams*

Let's date, kinky boy. Fondue tomorrow night?

Endymion said:
Hi! My name is Jennifer. I am twenty years old, I use ASL, and you probably saw me last week on the cover of the Victoria's Secret catalog. No, not that silly blonde broad, I am the other more intelligent woman you saw. I also really like fondue. If you don't serve me fondue on the first date, I will cuss you out like there's no tomorrow because, honey, I'm the finest lady on the block and I can do damn well what I want. My ex didn't take that too well, and last I heard he ran for his life all the way to Omaha, Nebraska. Men. So anyway, yes.

You sound really, really cute!!! *screams*

Let's date, kinky boy. Fondue tomorrow night?

:rofl: You are funny!
Endymion said:
Hi! My name is Jennifer. I am twenty years old, I use ASL, and you probably saw me last week on the cover of the Victoria's Secret catalog. No, not that silly blonde broad, I am the other more intelligent woman you saw. I also really like fondue. If you don't serve me fondue on the first date, I will cuss you out like there's no tomorrow because, honey, I'm the finest lady on the block and I can do damn well what I want. My ex didn't take that too well, and last I heard he ran for his life all the way to Omaha, Nebraska. Men. So anyway, yes.

You sound really, really cute!!! *screams*

Let's date, kinky boy. Fondue tomorrow night?

:lol: copy n paste the dating service (corrected my real name n age), hope to find my mr.right :fingersx:
awwww freewoman77 you are so cute. You will find someone. I met my husband on line!!!! we have been married 8 yrs.

Good luck sweetie

chirowife03 said:
awwww freewoman77 you are so cute. You will find someone. I met my husband on line!!!! we have been married 8 yrs.

Good luck sweetie


:lol: nah, i was joke, but thanks :)
Endymion said:
Hi! My name is Jennifer. I am twenty years old, I use ASL, and you probably saw me last week on the cover of the Victoria's Secret catalog. No, not that silly blonde broad, I am the other more intelligent woman you saw. I also really like fondue. If you don't serve me fondue on the first date, I will cuss you out like there's no tomorrow because, honey, I'm the finest lady on the block and I can do damn well what I want. My ex didn't take that too well, and last I heard he ran for his life all the way to Omaha, Nebraska. Men. So anyway, yes.

You sound really, really cute!!! *screams*

Let's date, kinky boy. Fondue tomorrow night?
fuckin' hiralous as hell! :lol:
Endymion said:
Hi! My name is Jennifer. I am twenty years old, I use ASL, and you probably saw me last week on the cover of the Victoria's Secret catalog. No, not that silly blonde broad, I am the other more intelligent woman you saw. I also really like fondue. If you don't serve me fondue on the first date, I will cuss you out like there's no tomorrow because, honey, I'm the finest lady on the block and I can do damn well what I want. My ex didn't take that too well, and last I heard he ran for his life all the way to Omaha, Nebraska. Men. So anyway, yes.

You sound really, really cute!!! *screams*

Let's date, kinky boy. Fondue tomorrow night?

Oooo man! :Owned: *Gawks at Steel X's avatar, consider it, pirate the avatar for reasons*