looking for an “easy” name


New Member
Mar 11, 2008
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I have a question. I’m working on a novella with a deaf character and I need to name his love interest. My deaf character is not very oral, so I’m looking for a male name that’s fairly easy to say for someone who doesn’t use his speech a lot. I haven’t decided yet whether my character, Riley, will use his speech at all, but just in case, I’d like him to find someone whose name he won’t have to struggle with.

I am hearing, and I take my speech for granted. I’ve learned my fair share of foreign languages, and I know some sounds are more difficult to produce than others, but honestly, I have no idea how difficult it really is to speak when you cannot hear yourself. Kudos to you guys.

:) Since no good deed goes unpunished I will fully credit the person/persons who come up with the name/suggestion I like best. So your name will go into my Acknowledgement section (unless you’d rather I don’t mention your input). And I think I should also raffle away two copies of my current gay romantic suspense novel (The Protector). So if you’re interested, let me know in your comment and I’ll add you to the random drawing.

I knew someone who named his dog Tom as it is easy for him to say that name. Leave my name out of your next book. Thanks.

How about Cam? Anything that is one syllable. I usually have trouble with my "G" and "J". One can say Hal when one meant Al if one tends to slur the words.

Other ideas - Abe, Barry?, Ben, Dan, Don, Ed, Harry, Ken, Larry, Manny, Sam, Wayne.
First of all, your book sounds good....you must let me know when it's out because I think I would like to read that book, it sounds interesting and good.

Second of all, as for the names, I think it would be easy to pronounce Ben, John, Bud (Short for Buddy), Matt, Kel, Kim, Jayson, and Jack.

But I'm oral (Can hear through Cochlear Implant) so I don't know for sure how hard it would be for deaf person to speak that hasn't been oral at all. However I do remember that my Ex boyfriend John can pronounce his name, and he can pronounce some of his friends name such as Bud, Matt and Kel. As for my other friend Amanda, she is like john who can't speak Oral like me, she can say some names like Kim and Lori.

I on other hand has trouble pronouncing words that starts with Z as do most of my friends too. So I would stay away from Z names. Just my two cents.
Lol Kaelei, I tried to say my fiance name Jason (your post say Jayson) I can't say his name right I kept calling him satan or satin! Lmao its hardest name for me I can say most other name fine but my fiance had to have hard name arghh haha

Hmm...... Bill, Max, Sam, Eric?
Lol Kaelei, I tried to say my fiance name Jason (your post say Jayson) I can't say his name right I kept calling him satan or satin! Lmao its hardest name for me I can say most other name fine but my fiance had to have hard name arghh haha

Hmm...... Bill, Max, Sam, Eric?

lol...At least I tired....oh well
You guys had a few great suggestions. I'm still mulling things over. I really liked Tom, but my brother-in-law is a Tom and he would hate for me to use his name. I also liked Cam (Camden) and that's still in the running. I also like Eric and Matt.

What about Nic?

Easiest name should be "A" :)

"hey A! What's up?"

"Oh A! I miss you! I love yooooou"
Our older brother is Bert. My sister could say "Bubu," so that became his name. She called me "Cha-cha," like the Latino dance.
I have a horrible time with "rrr", unless it's the initial sound. For example "Ray" is ok, (actually "Ray" is quite easy to say) - but "Barry"/ George/ larry / Darrel etc. are difficult.

Matt, Ray, Sam, are easy for me
Thanks, guys, for helping me out with this. As promised I am going to raffle away two copies of my book. Right now, all nine of you are in the pot:

Buffalo, webexplorer, authentic, Anij, Chase, PowerON, Kaelei, and SkullChick.

I’ll pick someone by the end of the week. I'm just waiting to see if anyone else stops by and comments. Good luck to you.

Thanks, guys, for helping me out with this. As promised I am going to raffle away two copies of my book. Right now, all nine of you are in the pot:

Buffalo, webexplorer, authentic, Anij, Chase, PowerON, Kaelei, and SkullChick.

I’ll pick someone by the end of the week. I'm just waiting to see if anyone else stops by and comments. Good luck to you.


Yeah, I think Bob could be confusing, because of speech. When I say Bob (without voice) someone would think it is MOM/POP/MOP/MOB.

Try: Anna, Anton, Dima, Tim, Roman?
Yeah, I think Bob could be confusing, because of speech. When I say Bob (without voice) someone would think it is MOM/POP/MOP/MOB.

Try: Anna, Anton, Dima, Tim, Roman?

Okay, Bob is out.

I still like Nic a lot. I overhear some mom on the playground yelling after her son. The poor kid's name was Copernicus. I was immediately intrigued. And the name shortens nicely to Nic.

But I haven't made up my mind yet and names can change when editors get a book in their hands.


I think I should also raffle away two copies of my current gay romantic suspense novel (The Protector). So if you’re interested, let me know in your comment and I’ll add you to the random drawing.


And the winners are ... Chase and authentic. My kids fished your names out of a basket with everyone's name in it. So if you are interested, let me know and I'll mail you a copy of THE PROTECTOR, a gay romantic suspense novel.

Thanks to everyone who participated.

And the winners are ... Chase and authentic. My kids fished your names out of a basket with everyone's name in it.

I won! I won! Yep, send it. My first ever e-novel! Thanks.
oooo it does sound interesting!

When do you plan to have the book out? I'd like to get my paws on it! :D