Looking for a group of STRONG ADVOCATES in our Deaf & HH communities


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Feb 21, 2006
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Hello Everyone!

I am seeking a group of ADVOCATES for our deaf & HH communities. The purpose of gathering each one of you with unique advocacy & leadership skills to help improve our community in the area of legal rights system, education, employment, civil rights movement and other related issues.

As we all know there's still a gap of DISCRIMINATION out there against any deaf/HH american citizens. It is time to end this battle of oppression against deaf people. I would like an opportunity to hear from you-so, we can get together to OVERCOME the barriers-anywhere.

I have noticed many deaf & HH are very intimidate to "advocate themselves" due to lack of communication barriers & discriminations. So, that's why there are only few of us like myself who are brave enough to "speak-up" in our society, today.

I hope to hear from you-directly. Please feel free to drop me a line & let's work things out before it continues to carry the same pattern of discriminations that you may already have experienced.

Ultimately, the laws don't quite seem to be working effectively for any of us and I would like to ask each of you to practice exercising those rights that you're entitled to be treated "equally as all others" regardless of your hearing disability.

It is about "empowering your rights" in this country as an American Citizen!

:type: :type:
What are your specific immediate goals? How do you intend to accomplish them? What methods do you plan to use? What resources do you currently have available? Where are you located geographically?
Advocates are great but unfortunately, many deaf advocates use their advocacy skills to advance their own personal agendas, many of these personal agendas have nothing to do with the betterment of deaf communities. This has been going on for a long time and this problem has evolved into a monster that's eating up the deaf communities.

Another problem is that we have large deaf organizations so intent on gerrymandering other organizations from participating in any advocacy related activities.

Another thing is that the 3 pictures attached below this post is also a big contributor to the advocacy blackhole in the Southern California area. Lots of people who want help are usually greeted with this sign that discourages them from giving the advocates a chance to help them thus causing the advocate's strengths to become atrophied due to lack of experience. Many of our clients tell us of this particular barrier they face when they go to the Los Angeles based deaf service agency.

We have people coming to us for help when they should be going to the other agnecy and we have limited resources and the Los Angeles deaf center plays scrooge on us when we ask for help with resources on helping the clients out.

Richard Roehm


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I understand that there are definitely scarce resources available in Southern California for Deaf people to utilize. However, I feel your pictures are somewhat bit misleading. If GLAD aggressively enforces this policy of exclusion for Deaf members of their communities, their funding sources would be severely compromised.

Rather, I suspect, this exclusion policy is more for GLAD's safety; What if a client got into a violent outburst? Should GLAD continue to provide services to this client? What if a client engaged in a series of fraudulent activities and is trying to get GLAD to facilitate his/her fraudulent behavior? There are many, many reasons GLAD could easily use in denying services to certain Deaf clients.

Thankfully to GLAD's admirable restraint, they continue to provide much needed and high quality services to thousands of Deaf people year in and year out! Still, that is not enough, I suspect, and I'm certainly glad that there's other Deaf agencies with similiar interests in serving Deaf people in their communities such as yours, for example.
Via Correspondences

Hi, thanks for your replied. Who is Mr. Moore? Where does he represents?
I would like more info on direct contact with this person you recommended.
Matthew S. Moore as I know is the owner of Deaf Life and a number of key deaf name websites. He's made the deaf news about a decade ago for accumulating a lot of deaf related domain names.

Basically he's a fine dude and has the resources to entertain the deaf communities. I dont really see him as an advocate, I see him as a honest businessman.

G5BELLISSIMA It is in your private message that I gave you some information. ;) i respect not to say anything in here.

NESUMTH You dont know him very well that is the problem.. I know him personally more than what you know. His book is the part of advocate to help people to understand our culture/ Deaf needs He travel and give a lot of presentation. There is more than that what he had done for us deafies.

;) Thanks!
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Matthew S. Moore as I know is the owner of Deaf Life and a number of key deaf name websites. He's made the deaf news about a decade ago for accumulating a lot of deaf related domain names.

Yes so what! since he paid for those domain names with his own pocket if you mind.. People jumped all over him for nothing since I can see it is full of crap theory to turn against him by audist attitude people. I do not appreciate at all for what people did it to him after all that hardwork he did for Deaf community and d/Deaf children s future to make a huge difference. I witnessed all that craps from people who doesnt appreciate at all.

Thats other thing that he is a very successful Deaf leader in Deaf community. I can see some people are very jealous of him and his accomplishment so they can try to destroy him . Go ahead to do it.

Guess what, he is Deaf and is using ASL all his life. He graduated from Indiana School for the Deaf and has a very good English written. Does it tells you something about ASL itself? :nana:

Of course he is honest and fair person. I highly respect for him and his hardwork. I am glad I have a chance to know him better and work with him for a long time.

Thank you so much! ;)
Sweetmind said:
I can see it is full of crap theory to turn against him by audist attitude people.

My, my. Such animosity. You'd better be careful with what terms you throw around. People might accuse YOU of discriminating against those deaf folks who PREFER to speak in addition to sign.

I don't know many people who would be capable of such leadership positions, but I do know that there are MANY different viewpoints to be considered. Matthew Moore is not someone I've had the pleasure of meeting. However, he is just one man. Judging from Sweetmind's endorsement, I've a feeling he's not your best choice.

I would suggest looking VERY thoroughly into this before choosing. Not for nothin', either - this isn't the place to solicit opinions as to who would provide good leadership. It's likely to turn into another pissing contest. Additionally, it's really not wise to post real names in a public forum.

Good luck, Bellissima.
Nesmuth said:
Matthew S. Moore as I know is the owner of Deaf Life and a number of key deaf name websites. He's made the deaf news about a decade ago for accumulating a lot of deaf related domain names.

Basically he's a fine dude and has the resources to entertain the deaf communities. I dont really see him as an advocate, I see him as a honest businessman.


I have meet him several times. He is very excellent leader for the Deaf Community and wrote several books. He is brilliant and humble man.

He has a good heart ! ;)
ASL and Signed English combines altogether as equal that helps us deafies and d/Deaf Blind with their braille code. You think ASL makes us not to speak our d/Deaf voices. I find this is a real outrageous for you to think that way. I will say it s good to have oral speaking with ASL because it s from word to word that we can understand it better. Thats our oral method survival kit that we need to have the encouragement of fun things to learn which is fine with me but force or conform or manipulate us into a hearing person that is out of the question. Does it makes sense to you? Dont expect us to hear like a hearing people can normally hear or speak well or read their kind of different lip movements 100 percent. Face the Deaf Reality!

MIND YOU! Malfoyish you jumped all over me for a very wrong reason that tells me you dont get it and dont read it carefully as usual. Keep it up !!!
Sweetmind said:
ASL and Signed English combines altogether as equal that helps us deafies and d/Deaf Blind with their braille code. You think ASL makes us not to speak our d/Deaf voices. I find this is a real outrageous for you to think that way. I will say it s good to have oral speaking with ASL because it s from word to word that we can understand it better. Thats our oral method survival kit that we need to have the encouragement of fun things to learn which is fine with me but force or conform or manipulate us into a hearing person that is out of the question. Does it makes sense to you? Dont expect us to hear like a hearing people can normally hear or speak well or read their kind of different lip movements 100 percent. Face the Deaf Reality!

MIND YOU! Malfoyish you jumped all over me for a very wrong reason that tells me you dont get it and dont read it carefully as usual. Keep it up !!!

I don't have expectations of the deaf or of ANYONE, for that matter. If I'm to expect anything of anyone, I'll admit to hoping that any given person is living in the manner that they see fit and are happy and comfortable. In no post will you see me disrespecting another member for their life's choices. It makes absolutely NO difference to me if someone prefers to sign only, speak only or speak in pig latin or in another form of indecipherable code for the rest of their lives.

However, I WILL say something if I see one member discriminating against others because of THEIR own beliefs.

All I'm saying is - considering your anti-audist (I must admit, I'm becoming quite fond of that word - it cracks me up every time I see it...so YOU keep right on using it. I could use the laugh!) approach on deaf culture, I don't think anyone you were to endorse would be a sensible choice. Face it, you don't like anyone, you've clashed with SEVERAL people since you've been here. I am not the only one whom you've offended. It's quite clear to me that your perspective on something pertaining to deaf leadership is sadly, LIMITED.
I dont really see him as an advocate, I see him as a honest businessman.
This may be the way YOU see him, but I can say I know many who would not describe him as “honest” in his business practices. So, this is completely debatable. Some of us don’t actually worship the ground Matthew Moore walks on.

G5BELLISSIMA It is in your private message that I gave you some information. i respect not to say anything in here.
There is generally a reason why someone would want to hide information from public viewing, you might actually get correct information if everyone were allowed to provide insight to the information provided. ;)

Yes so what! since he paid for those domain names with his own pocket if you mind.. People jumped all over him for nothing since I can see it is full of crap theory to turn against him by audist attitude people.
tsk tsk tsk there we go with the name calling again. FYI anyone who disagrees with SM in any way is automatically labeled an AUDIST *gasp*

Guess what, he is Deaf and is using ASL all his life. He graduated from Indiana School for the Deaf and has a very good English written. Does it tells you something about ASL itself?
No, not really.

Of course he is honest and fair person.
Again, a matter of opinion. You may wish to ask those who subscribed to his Deaf magazine and never received the publications they paid for.

Mind you, I do not know Mr. Moore in person, and I have not personally been swindled by him, but I do believe in gathering all information before seeking alliances.