lion's hearing dog australia


New Member
Aug 14, 2013
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hi all, i was wondering if any of you have a hearing dog? how did the application process etc go for you?
i finally decided and i got my mum to ring them and they sent me out the application pack, and i filled it in, got my dr to fill in that bit and my audiologist did a hearing test so i could send recent one in plus they also asked for full length photo of myself and a character reference, i sent it around xmas time so they recieved it first week they were back after new year. i got a letter in mail last week i think it was saying they recieved my application and that they would review it with the team and if i was proven to be a likely candidate they would contact me and arrange a time to come to my home and do an interview.
we received that call today my mum spoke on the phone again, i avoid answering phone calls like the plague. anyway they are coming to my house 4 th of february to do an interview and will call closer to confirm a time. i am not sure if that means i will most likely be approved to get a dog, or if this is just a next step in the process. but my line of thinking is if i wasnt likely to get approved would they really come all the way from adelaide? i live on the sunshine coast of qld australia, they are in adelaide so it means flying here. so i am hoping its a really good sign.
on the form i had to put how much daily exercise i could do up to and what length coat dog i would prefer, short medium long. i put medium unless its a labrador or golden retriever etc. i also selected medium to large dog, i have never liked small dogs, not sure why, but i wouldnt feel like they could provide the needed protection and security i desperately need.
i have bilateral sensorineural hearing loss, moderate to severe, but basically right on borderline of being severe in both ears. i also have a collapsing disorder, similar in manerism to epilepsy and menieres. so i am thinking with that aswell as my hearing it might just push me over and help me qualify. no body around me not audiologist even knows what the criteria is. anyway if anybody has any thoughts or knows anything, it would be greatly appreciated. sorry this is so long, its the only place i know people will understand etc.