Linux Ubuntu 9.04

Thanks purplecatty and diehardbiker, I have tried to follow your instructions but none got through.

I googled and found the easiest way to do it without having to use CD. What I used was UNetbootin. Nifty program.
Thanks purplecatty and diehardbiker, I have tried to follow your instructions but none got through.

I googled and found the easiest way to do it without having to use CD. What I used was UNetbootin. Nifty program.

It's just like Pendrive Linux : Boot and run Linux from a USB flash memory stick | USB Pen Drive Linux

check this out

I've used that on Ubuntu, Xubuntu and several Distros on Pendrive. It's useful if computer don't have Cdrom drive or using it without touching hard drive. You can even boot it on barebone system (one without harddrive and Cdrom!!!) or any pc or laptop with broken hard drive... It's an excellent for emergency or travelling without carrying laptop. Some distro allow you to write back to flashdrive called "persistent install". It treat USB flashdrive like hdd and won't lose any info when shutting down Linux.

It would means that you'll have to configure your BIOS to recognize USB flashdrive.

Some computer are plain pain in the butt when configuring BIOS to recognize flashdrive. On my system, I had plug in USB flashdrive and boot up to BIOS then to set to "HDD" to boot first but on hdd configuration, I have to move "maxtor xxx" to bottom and "111222" (it was a cheap 8 gb flashdrive I used with weird number) up so that when it boots, It'll detect Flashdrive and boot up Linux.

Newer PC and Laptop have better options and allow you to boot it up with flashdrive. Netbooks now can boot from SDHC card with Linux preinstalled.

That's what I did with my old 500 mhz laptop.

I use SDHC card to 44 pins IDE adapter from Hong Kong. $20 buck for it and It works like charm. I installed Xubuntu directly by plugging adapter to my desktop's Primary IDE and installed Xubuntu then unplugged adapter and plugged into laptop. Because my laptop is so old that It can't recognize flashdrive from USB and also the External CDrom drive don't work too well with Xubuntu Cd.

PuppyLinux 4.2 is fast on my old laptop but it loads entirely to RAM. I had an issue with it because the browser tend to crash (disappeared) when I use tabbing or hopped to few different websites. Since that my laptop had 256mb ram and cannot upgrade any further. So Xubuntu is more stable and it's kinda slow on my laptop but fast on browser.

I got mixed feelings between Ubuntu and Kubuntu. I kinda like Kubuntu better, on other hand if I want install application, Ubuntu seems to be easier than Kubuntu.

Only time will tell, and that PC with Ubuntu installed had Windows XP fried! I gave up the crap of Windows crashes. So far, no crashes with Ubuntu.

Ubuntu is full version desktop using Gnome while Xubuntu is a "lightweight" desktop using Xfce which is more stripped down version with minimal look. You can install KDE desktop using synapic package manager.

Xubuntu is good for old PC or laptop with limited RAM memory while Ubuntu is good for any PC 4 years old or newer (I have 6 years old system and It ran great on it with 1GB ram and Nvidia graphic card to top it off).

There are Edubuntu too which is configured for educational use.

There are some other distros that use Ubuntu's kernel such as Mint Linux, Crunchbang Linux, and several more.

I have been hopping to many different distros, Now that I can tell which kernel originally came from.

I recently installed Ubuntu Jaunty into my friend's 17" HP Pavilion laptop and it works nicely and it's 100% Linux compatible cuz their Wifi adapter readily hook up wireless.. Cuz it have Nvidia Go 7600 graphic chipset built-in. I was able to turn on Compiz water effect and eyecandy to woo my friend's son. He was really shocked that Ubuntu have so much more eyecandies than Windows Vista :lol: They love spinning desktop cubes and wobbly window. They were shocked that I turned their laptop into fancy desktop.

It was only temporary solution so they can log on net, check email, and chat on IM.. Their friend who was the computer technician was gone for vacation for a week. My friend asked me to fix their laptop cuz they have HP restoration CD and couldn't get Windows working. It turned out that originally his laptop have Windows XP Home version and his friend ordered the one with Windows XP Professional HP Restoration CD for his laptop. Every time trying to reinstall XP, after it finished installing, it cause BSOD saying hardware conflict. I suspect that his friend ordered wrong Restoration CD cuz of driver did not match laptop's hardware. I encourage him to have his friend order XP Home version Restoration CD specifically for his laptop even though XP Professional would work fine. It's the CD itself might have wrong version number specifically for his laptop.

So that's why I installed Ubuntu to let them able to use laptop for net ect part of emergency use.. They think Linux is so cool and so advanced. :giggle:

Yeah, Im aware of this. :) thanks

So far Im sticking with Ubuntu, and has been great so far.


Ubuntu is full version desktop using Gnome while Xubuntu is a "lightweight" desktop using Xfce which is more stripped down version with minimal look. You can install KDE desktop using synapic package manager.

Xubuntu is good for old PC or laptop with limited RAM memory while Ubuntu is good for any PC 4 years old or newer (I have 6 years old system and It ran great on it with 1GB ram and Nvidia graphic card to top it off).

There are Edubuntu too which is configured for educational use.

There are some other distros that use Ubuntu's kernel such as Mint Linux, Crunchbang Linux, and several more.

I have been hopping to many different distros, Now that I can tell which kernel originally came from.

just make it alot easier on everybody.. yall don't need cd or dvd or maybe just flashdrive to install ubuntu.. you can hit up the WUBI installer from xp or window 7 it will install ubuntu for ya off the window 7 or xp.. easy.. and umm.. ubuntu has gnome version.. if you want kubuntu just add KDE backports from software addon or from ubuntu tweaking .deb find it in google hope I helps