lindsay-Lohan say she is not going to jail!

Guess this won't be a wake up call for her. I wonder what it will take for her to realize she has a problem.

This actually could to turn out to be. This new lawyer DID NOT take the case. If they can't find another lawyer, then she must report to jail. We'll just have to wait and see what happens. Personally, I think jail would be good for her. Not because I necessarily care about all this drama. I don't, but, I live with someone with a substance abuse issue who hasn't yet hit their own rock bottom. So many people never do and then end up dying. They do it to themselves, but you just have to keep hoping that they wake up and realize what they are doing to themselves. Some do. Others don't.
if she does that - she will get involuntarily committed to mental ward.

Yup, there is...

Twin Towers Facility :eek3:

Paris Hilton went there in 2007.