Like the previous two students I need to interview three people with hearing aids.


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Oct 10, 2010
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Hello I am a student at USU taking online courses under the Speech Language Pathology program. Like the previous two students I need to interview three people with hearing aids. Please answer the questions listed below. I would greatly appreciate your feedback.

1. How long have you worn your hearing aids?
2. For how long before you got your hearing aids did you suspect you had a hearing loss?
3. How long do you wear your hearing aids each day?
4. Do you feel like you get benefit from your hearing aids?
5. What complaints do you have about your hearing aids?
6. Do you feel like your hearing aids have lived up to what your audiologist or hearing aid dealer told you they would do?
7. Did you get your hearing aids from an audiologist or a hearing aid dealer?
Logan has an active Deaf community, why don't you guys go out and interview people in real life?
I know .. We've been hit with how many of these requests this week?
Hello I am a student at USU taking online courses under the Speech Language Pathology program. Like the previous two students I need to interview three people with hearing aids. Please answer the questions listed below. I would greatly appreciate your feedback.

1. How long have you worn your hearing aids? one million years !
2. For how long before you got your hearing aids did you suspect you had a hearing loss? 2,000 years!
3. How long do you wear your hearing aids each day? 900 hours per day
4. Do you feel like you get benefit from your hearing aids?
5. What complaints do you have about your hearing aids? My biggest complaint about wearing a HA is that people like you keep using the forum to do your homework!!
6. Do you feel like your hearing aids have lived up to what your audiologist or hearing aid dealer told you they would do? I wish my audiologist had warned me that people would be asking me annoying questions about my HA!!
7. Did you get your hearing aids from an audiologist or a hearing aid dealer?
Done of your damn business!
The OP...and even the others that are pulling this crap.....Listen Up!

My son is a HS Freshman....He had to do an inteview with an immigrant.....we do not know any.....he refused to go online to do it!....So what did he do?....Some leg work!...Lots of stores have immigrant owners (there's one right around the cornor).....

So get ur LAZY ASSES out there and do the job you're supposed to do!
Hello I am a student at USU taking online courses under the Speech Language Pathology program. Like the previous two students I need to interview three people with hearing aids. Please answer the questions listed below. I would greatly appreciate your feedback.

1. How long have you worn your hearing aids?
2. For how long before you got your hearing aids did you suspect you had a hearing loss?
3. How long do you wear your hearing aids each day?
4. Do you feel like you get benefit from your hearing aids?
5. What complaints do you have about your hearing aids?
6. Do you feel like your hearing aids have lived up to what your audiologist or hearing aid dealer told you they would do?
7. Did you get your hearing aids from an audiologist or a hearing aid dealer?

Just look at the other two posts, you'll get the same responses. I just copied and pasted my answers for one on to the other! Can do the same for you if you like!!! Although, as others have said, asking questions on an internet forum isn't really an interview is it?
my name robert using my mom login been hoh since birth got first hearing aid at 4 months got baha 4 years ago going to RIT in august going to be USmarshal my main complaint is nosy people like you