Lets take back our country from the Republicans: Dean for Prez in 2004!

Bush_in_2004! said:

hmm . . . interesting comments. However, and unlike Mondale and Dukasis (I can just hear everybody on this board going now: WHO and WHO??), Dean is an inspirational guy that quite a few people could rally around and truly work hard to get the guy elected: ie: JFK.

I believe the burden is on the Republicans to show why Bush ought to be re-elected. So far the plate is empty (and cracked! :lol: )

JRA, I see you're inside the beltway. Have any connections to those running this country?

Not in the manner that that you mean. I'm a member of the Young Republicans and give my time and money to the party but outside that I have no direct connections. I would hold off on having the Dean = JFK statement for now. I don't see that happening now. With a little over a year until election day we'll have a lot to talk about.