Learning ASL, need help!!!!


New Member
Oct 12, 2010
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Hello all, I am a student at California Baptist University learning ASL. As a part of my class we have to have someone that is deaf read a poem and do an interview about the poem.

Unfortunately, I don't know many deaf people. Is there anyone willing to help me out? The poem is about two pages and the interview would about 5
questions. This could all be done through email. I am on a tight deadline and would really appreciate any help I can get.

The poem is by Diane Kinnee
'Being Deaf' poem by Dianne Kinnee (Switras)

1. How did you feel after you read the poem?
2. Did you ever grow up in a house hold such as this?
3. Do any of you have relatives that did not take the time to learn ASL?
4. Do you have hearing relatives who treat you differently because you are deaf?
5. If any of you go to church, does the church provide you with interpreters, to accommodate your needs? Do you know who God is?
a little help

hey i skyped my deaf friend and sent him the info because he didnt have a fast enough connection to sign up page wouldnt load but he was happy to help! :)

1. How did you feel after you read the poem?
i feel understood it nice to hear something the same as my thoughts
2. Did you ever grow up in a house hold such as this?
isolation is a common feeling and i LOVE my deaf friends it is funny my friends who are hearing are more interested in learning sign then my family
3. Do any of you have relatives that did not take the time to learn ASL?
my parents learned sign but the rest of the family did not it was hard everyone talks really slow because they think i can not read lips at 23 year old

4. Do you have hearing relatives who treat you differently because you are deaf? some family i only see at holidays and they do not know how to talk to me i laugh at them but it makes me sad to think they believe i am different, i like alot of the same things as some of my cousins but they don't know that my parents told me not them
5. If any of you go to church, does the church provide you with interpreters, to accommodate your needs? Do you know who God is?
i have been to church a few times, the church did not have an interpreter so my dad stood up and signed for me, he was not imbarrassed it is funny to me how hearing people can have deaf pride too

i hope i helped you
hey i skyped my deaf friend and sent him the info because he didnt have a fast enough connection to sign up page wouldnt load but he was happy to help! :)

1. How did you feel after you read the poem?
i feel understood it nice to hear something the same as my thoughts
2. Did you ever grow up in a house hold such as this?
isolation is a common feeling and i LOVE my deaf friends it is funny my friends who are hearing are more interested in learning sign then my family
3. Do any of you have relatives that did not take the time to learn ASL?
my parents learned sign but the rest of the family did not it was hard everyone talks really slow because they think i can not read lips at 23 year old

4. Do you have hearing relatives who treat you differently because you are deaf? some family i only see at holidays and they do not know how to talk to me i laugh at them but it makes me sad to think they believe i am different, i like alot of the same things as some of my cousins but they don't know that my parents told me not them
5. If any of you go to church, does the church provide you with interpreters, to accommodate your needs? Do you know who God is?
i have been to church a few times, the church did not have an interpreter so my dad stood up and signed for me, he was not imbarrassed it is funny to me how hearing people can have deaf pride too

i hope i helped you

GOod topic nice sound hear :D

great ! i believe you story nice! cheer
Thank you so much!!!! I really do appreciate everyone taking the time to answer my questions. It is very helpful and interesting to hear your thoughts on the subject. I love to interact and sign with people from the deaf community:) Thank you for sharing your opinions and describing how you felt after reading the poem. It is much appreciated, more than you know. Thanks again! ~Amy
Please don't be hesitate because help question general! let know me :D more mind :)
Asl 2

Hello Smithtr! I hope you had a great weekend. I wanted to thank you again for answering the questions I posted last month, you were the only person that responded. Thank you! I am writing a paper for my ASL 2 class and I was wondering if you would be able to answer some questions for me? Please let me know if you can. Thanks again for your help! It is much appreciated. ~Amy :P
Hello Smithtr! I hope you had a great weekend. I wanted to thank you again for answering the questions I posted last month, you were the only person that responded. Thank you! I am writing a paper for my ASL 2 class and I was wondering if you would be able to answer some questions for me? Please let me know if you can. Thanks again for your help! It is much appreciated. ~Amy :P

I am glad of you appreciate to setting up schedule is very what's your zone time?
I need to time your zone? I can help you! I can assurance to you! do you want to communication to me! would be able to help me! sure I am surprised I notice on reading spot topic! I can help you! :D
I will do help you learn how sign language ! great don't scared! Hope be help me! cheer!
Smithtr Hello

Hi! My time zone is Pacific time zone. I'm in California. Where are you? What is your time zone? Thank you!

How do you like Canada? I bet it is extremely cold there huh? What is the temperature like? Do you go to college or high school? What is your favorite subject in school?
How do you like Canada? I bet it is extremely cold there huh? What is the temperature like? Do you go to college or high school? What is your favorite subject in school?

I think so my favorite computer and artist at high school, I am goal become computer I wish be project, lol yes i like Canada is very friendly strong! yes it is very coldest winter -40 cold will coming soon Dec or Jan not sure depend weather!!
WT HECK? You are studying ASL and don't know anyone who is deaf to help?

FACT #1: California has the highest population of deaf persons and educational facilities for the hard of hearing in the United States, you could look one up.

FACT #2: You are prolly gonna to be on a Mexico-chat website in a few months during your Spanish class talkin 'bout: "Help, I don't know anyone I can speak Spanish with me here in Southern Cali!"

FACT #3: If your ASL instructor doesn't know where deaf people hang out you need a new instructor,
or if you are too timid to approach deaf people and ask in thier language... switch subjects.. I'm just sayin. Good luck though! Looks like you got all the help you needed online :) You can forget all this ASL "Deaf Culture" Stuff in a few years if you want like half the kids who take those classes. Great Job!
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Wirelessly posted

Fact: most deaf came from hearing parents who do not know ASL which mean deaf people more like don't know it either. Speech and hearing was their number one priority.
I think so my favorite computer and artist at high school, I am goal become computer I wish be project, lol yes i like Canada is very friendly strong! yes it is very coldest winter -40 cold will coming soon Dec or Jan not sure depend weather!!

Wow! -40 thats freezing! That's great! I love art. I just took an art class and it was a lot of fun. I have never been to Canada, but I hope one day I will be able to travel there. Thank you for being so friendly to me. I really appreciate it! So, what do you like to do for fun? Do you have a favorite hobby?
Wow! -40 thats freezing! That's great! I love art. I just took an art class and it was a lot of fun. I have never been to Canada, but I hope one day I will be able to travel there. Thank you for being so friendly to me. I really appreciate it! So, what do you like to do for fun? Do you have a favorite hobby?

you welcome your friends! I am very happy! I am very friendly, pretty soon cold grrr lol what is your hobby kind, you wish be visit to Canada :)
open mind :D more question to me :D my personal :D
you welcome your friends! I am very happy! I am very friendly, pretty soon cold grrr lol what is your hobby kind, you wish be visit to Canada :)
open mind :D more question to me :D my personal :D

I really like to snowboard and cook! Those are some of my favorite hobbies. I found this poem online and it was really touching. What are your thoughts on it? I do not understand parents who do not learn how to sign to their children. Do you know anyone who has struggled with a family like this child has?
Thoughts of a Deaf Child

My family knew that I was deaf
When I was only three, and since then fifteen years ago
Have never signed to me.
I know when I'm around the house,
I try and use my voice,
It makes them feel more comfortable;
For me, I have no choice.
I try, communicate their way-
Uncomfortable for me.
My parents wouldn't learn sign
Ashamed or apathy?
I never cared about the sound of radios and bands;
What hurts me most is, I never heard
My parents' signing hands.
WT HECK? You are studying ASL and don't know anyone who is deaf to help?

FACT #1: California has the highest population of deaf persons and educational facilities for the hard of hearing in the United States, you could look one up.

FACT #2: You are prolly gonna to be on a Mexico-chat website in a few months during your Spanish class talkin 'bout: "Help, I don't know anyone I can speak Spanish with me here in Southern Cali!"

FACT #3: If your ASL instructor doesn't know where deaf people hang out you need a new instructor,
or if you are too timid to approach deaf people and ask in thier language... switch subjects.. I'm just sayin. Good luck though! Looks like you got all the help you needed online :) You can forget all this ASL "Deaf Culture" Stuff in a few years if you want like half the kids who take those classes. Great Job!
This is kind of harsh. At least this member has returned and posted several times, unlike a lot of the newbies that stop in. Give her a chance.
I really like to snowboard and cook! Those are some of my favorite hobbies. I found this poem online and it was really touching. What are your thoughts on it? I do not understand parents who do not learn how to sign to their children. Do you know anyone who has struggled with a family like this child has?
Thoughts of a Deaf Child

My family knew that I was deaf
When I was only three, and since then fifteen years ago
Have never signed to me.
I know when I'm around the house,
I try and use my voice,
It makes them feel more comfortable;
For me, I have no choice.
I try, communicate their way-
Uncomfortable for me.
My parents wouldn't learn sign
Ashamed or apathy?
I never cared about the sound of radios and bands;
What hurts me most is, I never heard
My parents' signing hands.

Don't be afriad because you are communication to frieinds! I am very happy open my personal, I give you communication!!! I understand you hard to communication to your parents, follow your heart! I have 2 sister and one brother! I am very encourage to communication to you effort to communication to keep your best friends I do it for you history biographiy my personal! I am very happy communication to you friends, I am very good person! I am very smile you are happy ,I have tough communication to my parents misunderstand not easy because hard to communication! fluent on ESL to ASL, I am good awesome skills smart and strong empower!!! that is very great impressive you! you cant hear, I am profound deaf but some hearing aid! :D I would be chat to you more discuss deep you!!!!! I communication to you! i am happy with you more communication to me!