Katzie's old Driver's Ed indicted for rape


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Apr 2, 2003
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Newton driver's ed instructor indicted for rape

The Associated Press

A Newton high school driver's education teacher was indicted Thursday on charges of raping and sexually assaulting a student.

A Middlesex grand jury indicted Norman Swerling, 56, on one count of rape, five counts of indecent assault on a person over 14, and two counts of assault and battery, according to Seth Horwitz, spokesman for Middlesex District Attorney Martha Coakley.

Swerling, a teacher at Newton North High School, alleged assaulted the 16-year-old student once in December, and twice more in January. The abuse allegedly took place during driver's education instruction.

After Newton school officials found out about the allegations on Jan. 15, Swerling was put on administrative leave the next morning, according to a statement from school officials.

The school called the case "a sad and troubling situation" in the statement.

No arraignment date has been set.

There was no answer at a listing for a Norman Swerling in Wellesley.

March 11, 2004 6:43pm

Holy sheeeeeit! :eek2: :eek2: :eek2:

One day I was in his car with him learning how to drive and by the end of the period he said let's go for an ice cream and we did. That was in 1991! Now when I look back crikey I'm so glad that he didn't do that to me! Other time my childhood best friend asked me to join her so I was in the back seat minding my own business and somehow that jerk wacked the back of her head! Of course, she was furious and screamed at him! I was like oh lawdy gemme outta here! Damn, I never thought he would do shit and now it's time for him to pay the price! :evil:
Sometimes students make things up because they are pissed they got a bad grade. Who knows if it is true or not?
That's not too surprising for that
instructor doing something in a car
where no one else can see what
they're doing !

Well, It happened to me before
while I was testing the car
for a drive with a car dealer
before purchasing it,
he told me to pull over and then
showed me his HARD-ON dick and
he wanted me to touch, rub and
give BJ in the same car he was trying
to sell it to me !!! I was so shocked...
Damn him. I complained to his boss
the manager, but it was difficult
because of no other witness in the car.

I was shocked so I do NOT like to
go to any car dealers after that !
Like a scar.
That is really scary out there. They are pathetic. I would be nervous wrack when my daughter go with the men like Drive Ed, Physical Ed, practice musical at the evening, swimming team, etc...

I remember, when I was little kid. The school bus driver was pulling over at the beach parking. Three of us were perplexed. He pulled his pants zipper down and pull his dick out from his pants. He told the mental retarded lady to give him bj. Ask second lady to jerk off. Ask me third person, I said No... I was scared and cried. He gave up. He told us if we told the parents. He will hurt our parents. I came home with red eyes and ran into my bedroom to shut the door all the night. I refused go to my family dinner time. My Mom approached covience me what was bothering me until 11p.m. I told her everything about the bus driver. She was freaking out and furious, she called the State of Rhode Island Department of the Transportation. The driver was fired !!

Other two ladies were afraid to speak up to their parents. I never forgot how the bus driver was rude to the mental retarded lady. He was force her to do bj all the way into her mouth. I was so sick to my stomach because I never saw sperm entire my life.

That is why, I always hate to do bj since then. Sorry men !! If they do not like my sexual performance.. Go away men !

As for your information, I am straight !!

P.S. My stomach becomes sick when I typed this. Oh Dear !! It brings my flesh back ! :cry:
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Not you only ones.. as same rest of others Deaf peoples who were suffered from Driver Ed and Teachers too..
I have not done like this before.. Lucky me but doesn't like being word "lucky me" How I felt badly about rest other Deaf peoples were suffered from prevouis experience.. No matter what I willing do anything supportive all everyones who victims..
Espically my ex was abused me long time ago and no matter what am I counts part of victims too.
Oh, man. Some of bus drivers are sick. I remembered reading newspaper in Ohio few years ago. I learned that bus driver from St. Augustine Church who picked up students for sunday school or whatever I don't recall. Anyway, the bus driver molested a student. Eventually, I found out that student was my classmate. No wonder she was sexually active at that point. I did not understand why she did this and that until I learned of her experiences. I realized why she acted that way. Now, she is married to a wonderful man with two beautiful girls. Bus driver, of course, was indicated and went to jail on molestation charges.
Sabrina said:
That is really scary out there. They are pathetic. I would be nervous wrack when my daughter go with the men like Drive Ed, Physical Ed, practice musical at the evening, swimming team, etc...

I remember, when I was little kid. The school bus driver was pulling over at the beach parking. Three of us were perplexed. He pulled his pants zipper down and pull his dick out from his pants. He told the mental retarded lady to give him bj. Ask second lady to jerk off. Ask me third person, I said No... I was scared and cried. He gave up. He told us if we told the parents. He will hurt our parents. I came home with red eyes and ran into my bedroom to shut the door all the night. I refused go to my family dinner time. My Mom approached covience me what was bothering me until 11p.m. I told her everything about the bus driver. She was freaking out and furious, she called the State of Rhode Island Department of the Transportation. The driver was fired !!

Other two ladies were afraid to speak up to their parents. I never forgot how the bus driver was rude to the mental retarded lady. He was force her to do bj all the way into her mouth. I was so sick to my stomach because I never saw sperm entire my life.

That is why, I always hate to do bj since then. Sorry men !! If they do not like my sexual performance.. Go away men !

As for your information, I am straight !!

P.S. My stomach becomes sick when I typed this. Oh Dear !! It brings my flesh back ! :cry:
holy fuckin' shit how come I never heard this before? well you were lucky that you confirmed this to your parents, otherwise, that sicko would still be in the streets raping people, but it surely a scary thing to do but you were pretty brave to confess this to your mother and she called the trasportation station and got him fired..but I hope he even went to jail also.

nice job, Sabrina.
I had no idea if he goes to the jail. He probably is at the Grave Yard by now. He was about 50's in 1960's. I was about 7 or 8 years old.

My Mom and I were not discussing this issue. She did not like to talk about it because she was extremely angry with him and cherish me alot. I felt so bad for the retarded lady as she can't speak up for herself.

My Mom passed away. I do not know what they do with this Bus Driver do. I did ask my Dad about this. He can't remember.
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Oh, GOD, Sabrina.

That's so horrible. :( But KUDOS to you for speaking up like you did. You probably saved a lot of other children from being hurt in such a way. It was very brave of you to do so.


So sorry you had to go through that though. :( I wish that people like this didn't exist.

So many years later and I still think about this. I believe the girl and I believe that Norman Swerling is a predator that should never work in the schools again. I graduated from Newton south in 2003 and took his class. There were always rumors about him being too touchy feely with the female students or making them sit at the front of the class. When I took his class I witnessed his creepy behavior for myself. I never ended up finishing his class because he creeped me out so much, but even back then a teacher like that was just considered a ‘weirdo’. Needless to say, once this came out I was far from surprised. I am saddened that ultimately this girl was shamed and accused of being a liar and he got away scot free. Shame.