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CIs do have an evil twist to them..
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Bottesini said:
I think Posts from Hell said in Sweden, CIs are mandatory among children.

Will look around to see if I can find anything to verify it.

Denmark I think.

Who knows.

He might be a PIA and say things without citing a source, but he's not off the mark when you decide to look around for additional details if you doubt him.

Eating dimsum at the moment though.
CIs do have an evil twist to them..

The cochlear implant is neither good nor evil, if utilized properly it can have a tremendous impact upon a person's life as thousands have already demonstrated. CIs are a device that has benefited a great many individuals for over a quarter of a century.

Having been a part of the ci community for that time period and raising a child with a cochlear implant who is now an adult, I have seen a great deal of positive change in the Deaf community towards cochlear implants including tolerance and embracing the fact that one is still deaf even with a cochlear implant and the ever increasing number of those who consider themselves culturally Deaf getting cochlear implants for themselves and for their children.

However, the change is not complete and the progress has not always been positive as there are still those who misinform either intentionally or unintentionally and those who have an agenda against allowing others to exercise the choice to get a cochlear implant for either themselves or for their children. They are easy to detect for they usually preface their remarks by stating that they do not oppose cochlear implants and then unleash their torrent of misinformation, propaganda and devisive comments.

It is those with an agenda to misinform and promote an anti-ci bias who would associate cochlear implants with evil.

Its worth noting that on these forums the most strident anti-cochlear implant devotees are those who either do not have implants or did not choose the implant for their children. Rarely is it ever someone who was implanted and made the choice for whatever reason not to continue to use their implant. Rarely is it ever a parent who chose an implant for their child.

One has to wonder why they spend such an inordinate amount of time arguing with those who either have implants or who chose them for their children?
CIs do have an evil twist to them..

As rick48 already eloquently stated, CIs are neither good nor evil.

The problem is some people in the world wish to "impose" their value system or worldview on others. This is an ancient problem that has plagued us down the centuries and it is no different today.

I absolutely love what my CI done for me. It has given my life a new dimension that I haven't had before even compared to the days when I could use a HA just fine. In this respect, CIs are a force for good that was not even possible just a couple of decades ago. Lets not forget that it is simply a tool that has great potential to enrich and enhance many lives.
Perhaps not laws, per se, but some countries do have policies in place that greatly manipulate consumers to the option of implantation. One example would be government paying for a CI, but refusing to pay for alternate services such as educational and linguistic accommodations instead.
That is quite different from being forced or ordered by law. There is even subtle pressure in the states as has been discussed before. I don't have a problem with someone saying that. What I have a problem with is when somebody says deaf people are being forced by law or court order to be implanted. And which governments might I ask are manipulating as you described?
As rick48 already eloquently stated, CIs are neither good nor evil.

The problem is some people in the world wish to "impose" their value system or worldview on others. This is an ancient problem that has plagued us down the centuries and it is no different today.

I absolutely love what my CI done for me. It has given my life a new dimension that I haven't had before even compared to the days when I could use a HA just fine. In this respect, CIs are a force for good that was not even possible just a couple of decades ago. Lets not forget that it is simply a tool that has great potential to enrich and enhance many lives.

they can bring out the worst in people ..both deaf and hearing.

Shel90 - I refuse to let it go to my head. Everybody is different and some can do amazing things with a CI and others can't due to a variety of reasons.
True, they are not for everyone nor do they work for everyone. I say live and let live.
Just like poltics can be evil...I hacve seen hearing people become opinioned about deaf people not wanting to get CIs for themselves and deaf people say nasty things about parents' implanting their children.
That's my opinion..iam not forcing it on anyone.
Not a problem, I am not proved wrong just yet. My mate said she will look for it again, when she finds it, she will have it saved in favorite for me to use when her computer is available.

Rock: I told you, I do NOT have time to surf for such as this until I have free time. I have two hands full with kids, school, job, and living my life. You can not just tell me this because I didnt prove you the facts yet. I am here for 5-10 minutes only while I am on my break. You seem having trouble believing the fact that we have found. Yes I know lots of websites are false, rumors and such but I have heard and been told few different words that matches the story. I will prove it when I get the chance to. Denmark is one of them if parents refused to accept the options. One of the members on first page posted a simple one. I will see if my mate has a better one. Believe me, some deaf parent(s) who has a deaf child, who has been placed in foster home and the judge can ask the parents about the options. The deaf mother who did not reply when the judge decided to put CI on her deaf child is in Wisconsin. Deaf father, hearing mother, judge support the mother to plant CI on deaf child. Father didnt want that. (Should not F O R C E). I have heard several more stories similar to that but again when I have time, I will see what my mate has saved for me to check and research.... on my f r e e time only.

Few friends of ours has CI and hates it. Some likes it. They said the same, the child should NOT be forced to wear it even implant one.

So.. why does the judges think they have the power to decide for a deaf child? Why cant they just leave it alone? I hope one day the child founds out all about it and wants to sue.. I hope that happens to stop the abuse.

Why does the Government of ours wants to work on supporting AB2072 if there is something more important. Where do they have the money? This country does not need that since they need the money to recover the economy. AG Bell is the one who is taking place on whose money? I dislike that company since they are being 2 faced. Can someone tell me?

CI is not healthy for whole life because not every users has the ability to work "anywhere" because of the safety and the user's pain in/out. Tell me why force the suffer?

I just think that the people in this country need to understand our deaf community before they give out the options of CI or force it. I also want to shut AG Bell down. (programs for deaf community)
One more thing, I forgot to mention that there is several groups in Facebook that is against CI, AB2072 and such.... If you want to see it for yourself.. be my guest.

I am not here for a problem. I am just here to share and hear your side. I also want to see how many of you want this stopped and wake up the world to see what they are doing to us. It is similar to the whites driving the Indians away or having black slaves. They are destroying our deaf community as we try to grow.
And did you hear about the one where a judge is forcing an 8 yr old girl to wear her CI? Although the issue is between her Mom and Dad but, hey, come on.....the judge found for the hearing mother over the deaf dad....

Yeah, I saw that on Deafread. I'm like oh what a mess when I read the story.
One more thing, I forgot to mention that there is several groups in Facebook that is against CI, AB2072 and such.... If you want to see it for yourself.. be my guest.

I am not here for a problem. I am just here to share and hear your side. I also want to see how many of you want this stopped and wake up the world to see what they are doing to us. It is similar to the whites driving the Indians away or having black slaves. They are destroying our deaf community as we try to grow.

Yep. I found AB2072 link on my FB account. I would have protested against AB2072 but I don't live in California.
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