Just Had Hearing Test...


New Member
Nov 11, 2008
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Hi All,

Having just signed up on this very forum, wasn't sure where to post my *story* as it were, so if I have put it in the wrong section MODS feel free to move it :)

Any advice on the following (quite long) story would be appriciated.

I am 36 years old. Back around 12 years ago I had a balance problem which was caused after having the flu (cold) for a few weeks I couldnt get rid of. This obviously affecting my hearing as colds tend to do, but the ears got infected along the way to the point of having to have a grommet inserted into the left ear to drain the fluid.

The grommet was in for around 2 years or so which cleared up the problem within weeks to which afterwards thought the problem was rectified. After having the grommet removed (as it didnt fall out on its own accord) over the years I have lost my hearing almost completely in my left ear.

Recently over the last 12 months was having problems hearing certain things (i.e. not being able to hear what people are saying if there is any background noise, not being able to tell which direction sound is actually coming from which can be dangerous due to traffic as I ride a bike quite a bit)

So thought make an appointment with my doctor to see what he had to say, to which he referred me to my local ENT to have some tests.

Today I went to the ENT, to which they told me I still have a hole in my eardrum, so sent me to the audiologist to take a hearing test. The right ear is almost perfect, however the left ear is almost to the point of having no hearing in it at all.

Upon going back to the ENT doctor with the results of the hearing test, he basically told me that nothing can be done about it. No repairing of the eardrum as it would probably cause the balance problems to arise again and no hearing aid either.

When he said this to me after the audiologist had actually told me I have no hearing in the left ear, left me dumfounded to the point of asking the ENT doctor, so where does that leave me to deal with this situation.

He replied with, "Tell people you have hearing loss and to speak to you face on so you can see what they are saying which will make things easier"

Anyone else had issues like the above, and most importantly where do I take this, as obviously its getting hard to deal with simple things in life, like even going out or being amongst friends who are talking, basically makes you feel like a social outcast.

Do I go back to my GP and explain to him, as I have already done that once as he was the one that referred me to the ENT clinic in the first place.

Any advice would be appriciated and thanks for reading this half a life story :D
Don't let an ENT tell you things like that. The first ENT that i saw about my tinnitus and hearing loss told me to cut out caffeine from my diet and to get more sleep. ummm..thanks for the advice....So, I went to another and another until I found someone I liked pretty well and that we're a little more helpful. Like faire jour said SSD can be helped by getting a BAHA which is a Bone anchored hearing aid and there is also the transear that i don't know much about. There are a few ppl who use BAHA and i know kimpossible used to use BAHA until she got a CI. I would get another opinion/ a better ENT who isn't going to just brush this aside and say tell ppl to always look at you, that isn't totally realistic..
Hang in there..it can be frusterating..but you have us to come and discuss it:)

I agree with Alicia that you should get a second opinion but I would try to see an otologist as they have additional training. I would look for a clinic that specializes in ear hearing and balance problems. A good thing to do would be to check the qualifications of the ENTs in your are . Good Luck!
I had a friend that once told me that when it comes to your eyesight or your hearing, you get a second, third, fourth opinion...just to cover all the bases. There are always alternatives out there, for most things anyway, so go for it..get up with a different doctor till you find an answer that works for you.
Firstly thanks to all for the quick replies :)

I went back to my GP today basically to complain its not good enough to be told that I basically have to put up with it, and tell people I have trouble hearing what they saying and to ask them to face me.

His reply to the conclusion that the ENT department told me was...

"The reason that nothing can be done is because, if we close up the hole in the eardrum, it would have a high possibility of bringing back the vertigo you experienced years ago. Also you cannot have any hearing device (hearing aid) due to the fact that it would probably cause infections"

My reply was "What?" only joking :D

But I still feel like I can't go through life like this and the wife is even worse what with me asking her to repeat everything she says to me.
Firstly thanks to all for the quick replies :)

I went back to my GP today basically to complain its not good enough to be told that I basically have to put up with it, and tell people I have trouble hearing what they saying and to ask them to face me.

His reply to the conclusion that the ENT department told me was...

"The reason that nothing can be done is because, if we close up the hole in the eardrum, it would have a high possibility of bringing back the vertigo you experienced years ago. Also you cannot have any hearing device (hearing aid) due to the fact that it would probably cause infections"

My reply was "What?" only joking :D

But I still feel like I can't go through life like this and the wife is even worse what with me asking her to repeat everything she says to me.

BAHA does NOT go in the ear!
BAHA does NOT go in the ear!

Take that info and expand it and it opens up other avenues..but it still comes down to finding the right ENT for you..one that is willing to try new things, or established things that aren't as widely used. Keep trying..get different opinions.
I agree with etalton -- find another ENT. The one you currently have obviously doesn't know his stuff.
Did the audiologist not offer an hearing aid

I am moderately deaf in both my ears, and wear siemens reflex hearing aids.

I, too, have underwent surgery to try to empty my ear tubes, i had grommet fitted, but unfortunately, the ear infections has damaged my ear, conductive hearing loss.

Your audiologist should offer you an hearing aid to know where sounds are coming from.​
Sounds like you are from UK??? are you???

Like every one had said, Try HA first then BAHA is a way forward.
Overthepond: Yes from the UK, the cymru gives it away huh :D

As you know in the UK, there are 2 ways of getting things sorted out.

1) via the regular way, which is being forwarded by your GP to the ENT


2) going the private way.

The latter I can't afford :lol:

Have actually been to see the GP again about this problem, don't seem to be interested now, he must have had the results back from the ENT department. His lack to interest now, dont fill with me glee, and the thought of having trouble hearing conversations properly forever isn't either.