Just a quick question


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Mar 6, 2012
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I myself am not deaf, but was wondering if someone who used to be able to hear and then went deaf do they still dream with sound?
Hi Jimbob: I have been bilateral DEAF since December 20, 2006 and don't remember if I dream in sound. It doesn't matter as waking life is very quiet when Implant disconnected.
Welcome to Alldeaf.com
I suspect they would as their brain remembers the sounds they used to hear.
I would guess it makes a difference if someone still uses technology (hearing aids or CIs). I began to lose my hearing as an adult, and the loss is now at the severe or profound level for most frequencies. However, I use hearing aids and communicate by voice and hearing for face-to-face communication. Perhaps for that reason, I still dream in sound.

Sometimes I will dream that I'm reading something and will literally see the words on the page in my dreams.
Oh, yeah, isn't that called auditory memory? Not sure about in dreams but it does happen while awake, too. :D
Yes, I'm confident that a lot of late-deafened do dream with sounds. And have "musical tennitis"....After watching the old movie "Cape Fear", (along with closed captions, of course)....I had nightmares for a long time. Could even "seem" to hear the screams, even the errie music.
This is the way to really know if someone grew up ASL. Ask the person: "When you dream, do you dream in ASL?" If the answer is yes, then you know they are totally ASL.
Myself, I dream in oral speech.
This is the way to really know if someone grew up ASL. Ask the person: "When you dream, do you dream in ASL?" If the answer is yes, then you know they are totally ASL.
Myself, I dream in oral speech.

I'm learning ASL and have "used" ASL in my dreams...but only a couple of times. I think it was because someone had a thread "do you dream in ASL".
I learned several foreign languages over the course of my career, and it was always a break-through moment when I started dreaming in the new language. Probably would be just the same for ASL.
I was born Deaf and still am today. I have dreamed of hearing things...but it doesn't mean I want to become a hearing.
I myself am not deaf, but was wondering if someone who used to be able to hear and then went deaf do they still dream with sound?

Yes, it is possible if they still remember sounds and voices.
I can hear things in my dreams, but cannot smell or taste anything. Kinda sucks when you dream about making love to a gorgeous woman.
I "hear" in my dreams and I "hear" when someone talks. I don't really hear, but my brain takes a voice I used to know and puts that in place3 when someone is talking. As I have said before, my 16 y/o son, I know his voice has changed, but I still "hear" his 6-8 y/o voice.
Yes - I was born with "normal" hearing on my left side - totally deaf on the right. Since then my left side has become mild/mod hearing loss (repeated ear infections, scarlet fever, etc etc) which also fluctuates a lot when tired, stressed, ill, emotional, and sometimes for no reason at all. I also have APD (Auditory Processes Disorder).

When I dream, I have 3 different "styles" in which people communicate etc.

1) Speech/Listening etc
Ironically, I still miss oral information in my dreams, just like when I'm awake, so "dream me" still asks for repeats, or doesn't hear something that other people/things I'm surrounded my clearly do.
(Thankfully) I don't "become hearing" in my dreams, but I do "hear" more environmental sounds when I dream than I'm typically able to hear while awake.

2) ASL or another *Signed Language
Often I have dreams in ASL - sometimes everyone in my dreams knows sign, sometimes only a few, sometimes there are interpreters present, sometimes I'm showing someone I meet how to sign a few words etc.
Occasionally, I actaully (physically) sign while I'm sleep - of course the movement usually wakes me fairly quickly.

* Sometimes, I dream in a "Sign Language" other than ASL - I put "Sign Language" in quotes because in reality I only know ASL and a handful of signs in BSL, LSQ & LSF). My Dream Sign Language isn't related to ASL at all... shares maybe a few signs but otherwise is totally unique. Clearly it's a fabrication of my imagination and I only "know it" while dreaming.
I awake knowing I was dreaming in my "Dream Sign", but I'm never able to retrieve any of the 'language details' aside from that the language is "consistent" and that those in my dream also know this "Dream Sign" and use it to communicate.

There are times in which I will have a dream which contains both ASL and my "Dream Sign". Just like a bilingual signer would do while awake, I switch between the two languages, keeping both distinct, not "blending them together".

3) "Knowing"
I'm not really sure what to call this. Sometimes people in my dreams neither sign, or speak - we communicate by "knowing". I don't think of it as mind reading etc, because it's more like the person "speaking" is the one "giving" the information to the person/people they intend to communicate with. I guess it's like people are able to talk without talking, be heard without hearing - on the ASL side, it's like being able to have the receiver be able to see in their "minds eye" images of the signs without the person having to actually form the signs physically. It's very odd (yet feels very naturally when it's happening) and even more difficult to explain - the explanations above are more analogies than actual examples, per say.

Anyway - that's "me" ... I think it's neat, weird, but neat.
3) "Knowing"
I'm not really sure what to call this. Sometimes people in my dreams neither sign, or speak - we communicate by "knowing".
Anyway - that's "me" ... I think it's neat, weird, but neat.
Cool discussion!

I studied German through High School (long forgotten) and am close to bilingual in English/Spanish. Working on ASL, but still a baby, so it probably doesn't figure in here yet).

Best I can tell, I dream in NEITHER Spanish or English. Also doesn't seem like I THINK in either. More like in some lower level intuitive language similar to what you mention above. Then if the situation requires it, those thoughts get translated to whatever language is being used at the moment, and go through the process of expression in words.

Weird that these concepts have never been mentioned in the language classes I've taken. Seem important...:dunno2:
I am deaf now. Lost hearing as a preteen. Dream in voices even though I have hear nothing since forever. Always get these voices in my head, especially when reading a book, the voices change with the characters. Weird as hell but I also speak well. Saw a speech therapist a few years ago and was told my voice was fine.
I am deaf now. Lost hearing as a preteen. Dream in voices even though I have hear nothing since forever. Always get these voices in my head, especially when reading a book, the voices change with the characters. Weird as hell but I also speak well. Saw a speech therapist a few years ago and was told my voice was fine.
Do you hear the words in your head if you're lipreading?