Just a question :)


New Member
Jan 20, 2006
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When you date (speaking specifically to the deaf or hoh members - but others are welcome to reply) who do you usually date: Deaf/hoh people or normal hearing people ?

And do you have a problem with dating people who are in the same situation as you(that is...with the same hearing disability)? Or is it just better?

I used to have a problem with it but after meeting up with a guy I met at a deaf camp after 7 years and going on a date with him - I almost wish I didn't go through all these other boyfriends (who were hearing and treated me like s***).

I'm still not sure if this is a great move (so far it's going well) but I wanted to know if ya'll think it's better to date a deaf/hoh person or a hearing person - based on your dating experiences.
Well I consider hoh, hearing, and deaf are all same, but sometime they not come a right one, the major importance to have communication. If u with a hearing, make sure that person is very strongly open understanding what deaf all about, and being share the sides. Honestly, I am profound deaf. Most guy i been ever dated is hoh. I think myself very comfortable with hoh cuz of my safety. But, I don't compare to others. I did date 2 hearing guy before. One hearing isn't interesting do with deaf, but want me to be all himself. I don't feel right at all. I used date one deaf, but its very HARDEST understand for me cuz, I required to have telecommunication (lipreading and signs) but deaf guy, is very mute but signs. I always misunderstanding him, which i feel hardest that i can understand. Well, right now i'm in relationship with hoh guy, of course he can talk on phone, even drive thru, etc. He can sign language too, we communicate real well. Basically, I believe sometime u pick guy or women even they have disabled or not, important to find to be fit in and communicate. Good luck
:thumb: on this posting!!! Good one deidra. I myself am hearing, and both my parent's are deaf. I was always involved with the deaf community, and that is how I met my husband. He is deaf. But, we didn't hit it off right away, because of the age issue. I being 5 years older, plus being hearing. Would we be compatible enough? So, we gave it a try, and started dating. We started dating November of 77, and married the following October of 78 and just had our 27th Anniversary. So, I can say, it worked for both of us. Go figure :dunno: lol