Just a idea!

Taylor said:
She isn't too interested in me...could be because I'm hearing or because I'm a cop...not sure

Oh come on no excuse !! lol ...... you wouldn't know unless you have to try ..Psssttt!!! ( life is too short)

If you did try then I will like you !! :naughty:

But I am really an :angel:
:lol: @ CutePommie
What are you trying to do ,CutePommie ? :whistle:
off topic :giggle:
CutePommie said:
Oh come on no excuse !! lol ...... you wouldn't know unless you have to try ..Psssttt!!! ( life is too short)

If you did try then I will like you !! :naughty:

But I am really an :angel:

Who says I didn't try ;)
Taylor said:
She isn't too interested in me...could be because I'm hearing or because I'm a cop...not sure
There are some other deaf/hoh women out there who don't mind dating a hearing man though :)
About being a cop, I guess some women are scared to date one because she doesn't want to spend most of her life worrying too much while he is out chasing after bad guys :)
Cassbugs said:


You mean Rebelgirl???

Well.. I'm from the south, a redneck/roughneck whatever you wanna call it.. well, I can't say a redneck my house is clean.. roughneck is more like me.. cuz i'd do anything like the boys do. Also the south is a symbol of a Rebel.. so that's how I came up with that. I guess... lol
ButterflyGirl said:
There are some other deaf/hoh women out there who don't mind dating a hearing man though :)
About being a cop, I guess some women are scared to date one because she doesn't want to spend most of her life worrying too much while he is out chasing after bad guys :)

I understand that some women are scared because dont want to lose their hubby as a cop..however, whats the difference does it make when we die everyday whether is a cop or not?
coloravalanche said:
I understand that some women are scared because dont want to lose their hubby as a cop..however, whats the difference does it make when we die everyday whether is a cop or not?

Its not just the danger involved in it...in fact, I think that falls to the bottom of the list. It is the shift work involved. One week, I'm working days, the next is evenings, then the next week is midnights and this just keeps rotating. Its often difficult to make plans because my days off might be Tue, Wed, Thurs, while working the weekends. The shifts are long and we don't always get off when we are supposed to. If I'm supposed to get off at 4:30, but get a lock-up or something at 4, I could be working well into the night. Then there are the call-ins that can occur anytime. Nothing like getting called in on your day off at 3am when you had plans to do something. Then there is the mentality of dating a police officer. Its very difficult to date a cop because we also have our little quirks, such as seeing something very bad at work and then coming home and saying 'I don't want to talk about it'. That barrier is difficult for many people who date cops.
Taylor said:
Its not just the danger involved in it...in fact, I think that falls to the bottom of the list. It is the shift work involved. One week, I'm working days, the next is evenings, then the next week is midnights and this just keeps rotating. Its often difficult to make plans because my days off might be Tue, Wed, Thurs, while working the weekends. The shifts are long and we don't always get off when we are supposed to. If I'm supposed to get off at 4:30, but get a lock-up or something at 4, I could be working well into the night. Then there are the call-ins that can occur anytime. Nothing like getting called in on your day off at 3am when you had plans to do something. Then there is the mentality of dating a police officer. Its very difficult to date a cop because we also have our little quirks, such as seeing something very bad at work and then coming home and saying 'I don't want to talk about it'. That barrier is difficult for many people who date cops.

Taylor .
I does to understand , but you choose that say like when got home from work say * I don't want to talk about it* that not good to keep hold it to yourself ... I does to believe it does to help to talk about it after have or had a very bad day at work ... I does have got good or bad days at work. I had often to go the Police station with the service user because this person had been arrested .. so I had to go the Police station because I am the only one who understand to communicate with this person .. like as back up interpreter Yet does have the interpreter there this person can not to match with the interpreter communicater i has to back up as relay to this person .. It damn so hard work does often get me to stressed out ... Also had to go hospital with the other service users too either .. I does to talk about it when i get home from work .... it does to help me it important to sharing to listen dont give any of advice just listen ..... Okay Taylor ... i wonder do you having the Supervision meeting with your bosses or Peronsal officers at work? I does having my Supervision meeting every 3 weeks with my boss .. it is very important to having it .. because whether you can want to feel vent it out or need to get it out of your chest or having problem with what you doing at work . etc..
Do understand what I am on about ?
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Taylor said:
Its not just the danger involved in it...in fact, I think that falls to the bottom of the list. It is the shift work involved. One week, I'm working days, the next is evenings, then the next week is midnights and this just keeps rotating. Its often difficult to make plans because my days off might be Tue, Wed, Thurs, while working the weekends. The shifts are long and we don't always get off when we are supposed to. If I'm supposed to get off at 4:30, but get a lock-up or something at 4, I could be working well into the night. Then there are the call-ins that can occur anytime. Nothing like getting called in on your day off at 3am when you had plans to do something. Then there is the mentality of dating a police officer. Its very difficult to date a cop because we also have our little quirks, such as seeing something very bad at work and then coming home and saying 'I don't want to talk about it'. That barrier is difficult for many people who date cops.

I undy how you feel... I am sure it goes same as for my dad/best friend, and my and his cop friends. As for my work schedule- it is getting more crazier now and I have to work more hours, possibly overnight if the filibuster keeps going on, even on fridays and possibly saturdays if the session meets. We can't close due to the contract that my boss signed with the State (I think). I haven't gotten any call in, but I might will if they keep on going after I am done with softball practice. I also don't have time for dating either, and most of people who work for the legislature hardly date anyone due to odd hours, and I have talked to a guy at the fair last summer that work at the legislature- he have been single for almost 30 years and was close to getting married so he decided to stay single.... I know that cops work odd hours, so my job does too.....
Taylor said:
Who says I didn't try ;)

ROFL!!!!! I don't mind date cops too but my job are busy, and I hardly have time for dating/friends.. I have time for my family, studying, sleeping, help mom run the house....