Joining the Military


New Member
Nov 13, 2008
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I am interested in joining the services (army) but am denied because of my deafness (I'm borderline profound deaf). I was told by recruiters that it was the only thing that was preventing me from joining since I have met all the other standards. They mentioned that there is a civilian component of the military that deaf can work but they won't receive the same training (combat training that is) as the actual services.

I think that if enough deaf people truly want to join then maybe something needs to be done to get a movement going to get that changed. I personally want to go through the combat training even though I'd probably end up doing computers (networking) if I do since that's what I went to school for.

One thing that one recruiter had told me that if I'm serious about joining is to write to my congressmen about this issue. However if I do it by myself, it's only going to get discarded so I'm thinking that if enough of the deaf/hard of hearing population as well as anyone who supports the cause write to their congressmen then maybe we will have a chance to change this standard. Really we deaf folks can do any job and can successfully complete the training even though it's certain that we are going to be unable to work in certain fields such as infantry, helicopter pilots, and such; at least until technology finds way to overcome these issues. :)

If anyone out there is interested in doing this please let me know as I would like to get as many people involved in this. One thing I would like is for as many of us to write to our congressmen but have it sent in the same week/month as to reduce our chances of being ignored. But if anyone has some ideas, feel free to shoot it my way or post it here. Freedom is a right that we all are entitled to. Let's try to get it back.

Thank you.