Jesus Was 'Gay'....sez Elton John

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This is actually a debated topic with many points of evidence both for and against. It is not something to be put to rest easily. Quite frankly, it would not surprise me at all if Jesus was gay. It also would not change how I feel about Jesus, either.

That said, Jesus was most certainly not a blue eyed, fair skinned Aryan, as he is always painted in pictures. The claim that he was black, or at least a dark skinned Arab, is very valid. The fact that one part of his identity has been misrepresented for thousands of years gives rise to the possibility that other parts of his identity have also been misrepresented, which could include sexual orientation.
This comming from a guy that dresses like this?

Is there even proof that Jesus Christ was gay?


So far we know is that he is the Son of God, and an excellent teacher to the religion relating to God.

Jesus was born jewish near the middle east when obviously it is pretty hot there and everything so...many believed he is very tanned with brown hair and eyes and such. So...he could be latin or black or whatever, there is actually no specific proof to his color of race. All the pictures of Jesus are centuries old.
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