is this offensive?


New Member
Mar 18, 2012
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I am a thinker but I still act on impulse.
I am existential, but i find hope.
I am lost but still I walk,
I can see but still am blind,
I can hear but am still deaf,
I am human.

This was written by someone who isn't deaf or blind, but the person used both in a context that personally I don't see as offensive but wanted other opinions. To me it is saying being a human we think one way but act the other, or vice versa.
Also if i may say this, I am not deaf or hearing impaired, so in no way am i comparing myself to those who are, but i can say just because i can hear doesn't mean I always listen
But i have worked with the hearing impaired and deaf and I can say the opposite is true,
Even tho I couldn't be heard they were listening, by that I mean they truly paid attention comprehended and responded with insights and point of views that i didnt think of.

Well anyway let me know what you all think.
The problem with the deaf culture, which I am a part of since losing my hearing, is that it is very sensitive. If a hearing person calls a deaf person stupid, for whatever reason, such an insult would be taken to such an extreme level. But if a hearing person tells another hearing person that he is stupid, which happens all the time, nothing comes out of it 98% of the time. Deaf people ( including myself) need to have thicker skin and understand that not all words have a meaning for them. In other words, not because someone calls you stupid it means he thinks you are stupid. He probably calls you stupid out of ridicule or for an air-purpose ( unknown reason.)

As for what you wrote here, I don't see anything offensive in it. Deaf people also may seem to be paying more attention by looking at you "because" they need to look at your lips to understand better, whereas a hearing person may not necessarily need to use his eyes to pay attention; he relies on his ears. So it is hard to say, really.