Introducing Myself...


Active Member
May 1, 2003
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My name is Carl and this is my very first post here on

I am a hearing person and brand new to ASL. I have only been studying the language for a month; I find the language very interesting and enjoyable. I am a very visual person so signing is fun for me. I am glad to be a part of this forum and I look forward to the input and advice from members as I begin my road into ASL and the deaf community. I don’t know what to expect in the days and months ahead but I am sure of one thing- my determination.

I welcome any advice, warnings, and suggestions as I move forward; I am most grateful for all the help I get as a member of this forum.

Currently I am using books and video resources to learn ASL. I just completed the Bravo Family video series and I am now reviewing other materials which I borrowed from my local library.

So far I have only met deaf individuals online and not in real life. I look forward to the day when I feel confident enough to interact on a one-on-one basis (or group gathering) within the deaf community. Being a part of this forum is my initial step towards that realization.

PLEASE NOTE: If I appear insensitive at any point in any discussion, please let me know of the indiscretion. Please understand that I am new to the deaf world and its sensabilities. My intensions are pure so please make it clear to me if and when I write something that may be offensive to deaf individuals.
Welcome to AD2, and enjoy yourself here. You'll learn a lot. And why are you interested in ASL, BTW? Me curious.
why are you interested in ASL, BTW?

ASL is interesting to me. Learning it is fun and the more I learn, the more I find I like it. I enjoy the language.

What is BTW?
BTW = By the way

And what made you first learn about ASL? Met a deaf person or saw it on telly somewhere?
For some time I had the desire to learn some signs but I never got around to it. Then one day my girl friend and I were visiting a store and I saw (and purchased) the CD-ROM, The American Sign Language Dictonary. I saw some of it and put it away. Last month I looked over the CD-ROM again and I have not stopped practicing. I went to the library and checked-out materials and I love it.
Now I have everyone signing! :D

I'm teaching my hearing friends the signs and everyone seems to like it. It's a great language.
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Originally posted by prostock19
Welcome to ADv2. BTW, I am hearing, too.

u are hearing?!?! i always thought u are deaf, oops! ...
im surprised! :)
Originally posted by AquaBlue
For some time I had the desire to learn some signs but I never got around to it. Then one day my girl friend and I were visiting a store and I saw (and ourchased) the CD-ROM, The American Sign Language Dictonary. I saw some of it and put it away. Last month I looked over the CD-ROM again and I have not stopped practicing. I went to the library and checked-out materials and I love it.
Now I have everyone signing! :D

I'm teaching my hearing friends the signs I'm learning and everyone seems to like it. It's a great language.
If you read my post about Learning more about Matt...., then you will see how I started learning sign and about Deaf culture.

Learning online is different than learning in person. Different parts of the country have slight variations to their signing. For example, I have learned at least 3 ways to sign PIZZA. It is good to try and introduce yourself to your local Deaf community.
The other day I signed to a hearing friend from a distance and she understood!
I was driving to her house and two blocks from her home there was a fender bender on the street. When I arrived at her place I saw her waiting for me on her front steps and I signed the word for accident and pointed to the direction of the event. She walked up (not knowing that sign or that an accident had occured) and she said, An accident?
I had a grin from ear to ear because I communicated- with my hands, body and face ASL to someone who does not know the language and communicated my thoughts. That felt good.
It's my pleasure to mee you, MsGiglz, prostock19, daprilz, and kuifje75.
Welcome to AD, AquaBlue. :wave: How did you learn about this forum? :)
How did you learn about this forum?

Hi Teekie.

I accessed a link in the forum for the deaf. My user name is the same there as it here, if you are curious.
Aquablue, Im glad that you just became a member of alldeaf. I hope you will enjoy and learn something from us.