Information Web Page about Relay Service Abuse


New Member
Jun 21, 2003
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Telecommunications Relay Service Abuse (TRSA)
Relay Scam Calls - Relay Prank Calls

To Deaf / Hard of Hearing Communities and Hearing Business Owners,

After reading local news article about local business lost $4,000 television to con artists using stolen credit cards and abusing Relay Service for Deaf and Hard of Hearing persons, I am so fed up and created this information web page: to collect the links of the news articles and informations about the IP Relay Scam calls and abuse/misusing of Telecommunications Relay Services (TRS).

Did you know the Relay Service companies (AT&T, MCI, Sprint, so on...) hide behind the confidentiality laws so they can receive the federal government cost recovery dollars and make millions at the expense of the Deaf / Hard of Hearing Communities and the taxpayers (your monthly local phone bill)!? Their employees: Communication Assistants (CAs) or Relay Operators who took a job to service the Deaf / Hard of Hearing Communities and are now working 8 hours a day to service criminals! Our Congress and FCC already aware of these and do NOTHING to stop these ongoing relay scam calls!

Check out the links and read, read, read these horror stories.

I know sometimes hearing people don't understand the nature of TTY relay calls. The hearing public needs education in that area. Too many of them still think that an incoming TTY relay call from Deaf/or Hard of Hearing person is a "telemarketing sales" call, and just hang up.

Please help spread the word about this information web page: to anyone, your friends, your co-workers, business owners, local law enforcement agencies, local medias/newspapers and your Deaf and Hard of Hearing communities across United States of America.

Thank you,

Michael Moran
Vero Beach Association of the Deaf - Vero Beach, Florida
web site:
Thanks for sharing those helpful information with us. I assume you got those off the SignSoFla site?
You're welcome.

No, I wasn't aware of / nor subscribe to SignSoFla site. There are other Deaf News sites all over, I didn't find single site dedicated to collect the links, quotes so on... about relay service thing. So, I created one for everybody to check out the links to save their time. Without that TRSA page, they have to search all over to find the articles/informations.