Information about Atheist

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Faint of heart? Thats not the point! Its you and other mean
spirited people who come in here and say hateful things about
our grammar and stuff...makes me wonder if you and other guy
are HEARING!! If so, then you are being insensitive and maybe
ignorant...if it happens again, making fun of our grammar, then
i will have to report you to the Mods, do you understand, mmmm?

You should not confuse people insulting your grammar with people just pointing out the flaws of the grammar that makes it difficult to understand your approach and arguments.

You are also generalizing hearing people - as if all hearing people attack deaf people for whatever flaws they have to begin with?

Be very careful with what you say. It is easy to counter your statements.

Be well,
That's exactly my point. I proved there's no God because people don't EVEN know what God is supposed to be!!!

What about referring to holy books that have common origins (e.g. Abrahamic faith)?
Faint of heart? Thats not the point! Its you and other mean
spirited people who come in here and say hateful things about
our grammar and stuff...
Please provide proof I made front of anyone's grammar. If you can provide ONE quote I'll ban myself from alldeaf.

...should be easy for you to find it, right? Go on, I'm serious about this.

makes me wonder if you and other guy
are HEARING!! If so, then you are being insensitive and maybe
ignorant...if it happens again, making fun of our grammar, then
i will have to report you to the Mods, do you understand, mmmm?

No, I'm deaf. Your argument just fell apart.
Xentar...Look at your post said you will refrain from making
remark on my reading comprehension..i can read between
are making fun of my reading!..look at yourself! You cant read yourself!
Forgot to add: Not only the reading comprehension but our
grammar too. You need to refrain from making statements
about our reading/grammar stuff, ok?
Sure, I got it.

Also, thanks for not label me as negative, such as satan because I have never to get in practice with them.

Ok im glad u understand and I have nothing against atheists, really.
I know you dont practice Wicca or anything and I know you are
not evil person either. ;)
I asked you that you need to ignore them but report to mod can be good or bad options, if they do then would lock up the thread, that what I don't want. That's fine with me if you want ask mod (RR is recommanded) to remove his post, that your choice.

Also, I don't understand about him too.

Okey Dokey! :thumb:
Xentar...Look at your post said you will refrain from making remark on my reading comprehension..i can read between are making fun of my reading!..look at yourself! You cant read yourself!
Let's quote the whole thing:
xentar said:
That's... exactly what I was conveying in my last message. You reject all other gods except the God you currently worship. I'm going to refrain from making a remark on your reading comprehension skills. Just try to read slower next time.

You are correct to say that I will refrain from making a remark on your reading comprehension skills. Noticed that I refrained myself from actually making a derogatory comment on your reading comprehension skills.

I don't care if you're going to try to read between the lines as that is your choice to do so, but you can't put words into my mouth as I never said or acted like I'm making front of your reading skills because that is your personal opinion. Remember, I'm really good at making derogatory comments about people writing in ASL as a written language, but I have not once done that ever since signing up. Don't accuse me of something I haven't done.

Forgot to add: Not only the reading comprehension but our grammar too. You need to refrain from making statements
about our reading/grammar stuff, ok?
Reading comprehension skills and Writing (grammar) comprehension skills are two totally different things.

You need to refrain from making statements that I made front of your grammar when in reality I never once made front of the way you wrote. Again reading and writing both have two different meanings. You cannot say that I made front of your grammar skills when I was talking about reading comprehension skills.

Don't believe it? Go back and re-read my quote. Slowly. ;)

People, if you're the type of person who gets his/her feelings hurts easily, I seriously have to ask you......what are you guys doing in the Debate subforum? Perplexing to say at the least.
I saw this video before. It's a laugh. Either they have no knowledge of how to read the Bible or they intentionally misquote/twist the meaning of the verses. Shows how ignorant they are.

Hey! :pissed: I find PLENTY of Bible Thumpers are quite MORE ignorant about life around them, so I have to say it is a laugh on YOU!!
Let's quote the whole thing:

You are correct to say that I will refrain from making a remark on your reading comprehension skills. Noticed that I refrained myself from actually making a derogatory comment on your reading comprehension skills.

I don't care if you're going to try to read between the lines as that is your choice to do so, but you can't put words into my mouth as I never said or acted like I'm making front of your reading skills because that is your personal opinion. Remember, I'm really good at making derogatory comments about people writing in ASL as a written language, but I have not once done that ever since signing up. Don't accuse me of something I haven't done.

Reading comprehension skills and Writing (grammar) comprehension skills are two totally different things.

You need to refrain from making statements that I made front of your grammar when in reality I never once made front of the way you wrote. Again reading and writing both have two different meanings. You cannot say that I made front of your grammar skills when I was talking about reading comprehension skills.

Don't believe it? Go back and re-read my quote. Slowly. ;)

People, if you're the type of person who gets his/her feelings hurts easily, I seriously have to ask you......what are you guys doing in the Debate subforum? Perplexing to say at the least.

I know the difference between between reading comprehension and grammar,
DUH! dont talk to me like im an idiot, crikey..I know you didnt say anything
about my grammar..yet, only my reading comprehension and i dont appreciate
it, you are NOT my teacher, geez. Im just telling you and others with such
an inane, superior, know-it-all attitudes to please refrain to make any
comments/statements about our grammar/reading abilities. And besides, you
and other smarty alecks need to read the forum rules!! I know im not perfect,
either and i have made mistakes in the past and i have apologized too.

Yiffzer, that is why I DONT ANSWER YOUR POSTS! You always nitpick,
find fault with my posts, im sick and tired of it. But i admit im wrong with
and im sorry...I used the word "confuse".. so MEA CULPA!! i should not
have used that word, geez. Sorry for the confusion.
Im tired of your superior, know-it-all attitude too, Yiffzer so im not going
to listen to you anymore, either.
Yiffzer, that is why I DONT ANSWER YOUR POSTS! You always nitpick,
find fault with my posts, im sick and tired of it. But i admit im wrong with
and im sorry...I used the word "confuse".. so MEA CULPA!! i should not
have used that word, geez. Sorry for the confusion.
Im tired of your superior, know-it-all attitude too, Yiffzer so im not going
to listen to you anymore, either.

I've studied the art of communication. When one person begins his sentences with, "I think...", he/she is viewed as an easygoing person. When person begins his sentences with not one trace of, "I think...", he/she is viewed as a dominant person. That one little word makes a whole difference of how people are perceived to be. I never say, "I think...". Instead, I assert all my statements as if it were the bottom line. That is why you feel intimidated by me. But don't think it means anything of a fact or a "I-know-it-all" attitude. It's just what I do. ;)

Grammar and clear points are very important when it comes to debating. I can not tolerate someone's lack of effort in a debate by repetitive statements or muddling the idea of the debate. It gets tiresome.
I've studied the art of communication. When one person begins his sentences with, "I think...", he/she is viewed as an easygoing person. When person begins his sentences with not one trace of, "I think...", he/she is viewed as a dominant person. That one little word makes a whole difference of how people are perceived to be. I never say, "I think...". Instead, I assert all my statements as if it were the bottom line. That is why you feel intimidated by me. But don't think it means anything of a fact or a "I-know-it-all" attitude. It's just what I do. ;)

Grammar and clear points are very important when it comes to debating. I can not tolerate someone's lack of effort in a debate by repetitive statements or muddling the idea of the debate. It gets tiresome.
Me, intimidated by YOU? oh give me a break, thats a laugh! hahaha!
Whatever! I dont care for your inane and know-it-all attitude so im thru
with u and the other smarty aleck, but that dont mean im leaving, too bad!
Im tired of your constant criticizing and nitpicking cuz you think you are so
damn get so boring and tiresome there!!
Well, I suppose you just missed the entire point I was making...

Perhaps intimidation was not the right word. You simply received the wrong impression by the usage of my words alone. You perceived me to be a "know it all" person with an attitude. The very point I was making is the wording I use that make me appear to be so. However, have I ever said I knew more than anyone else? Not even once. It is an interesting observation of your reaction to the simple wording I use.

You also consider my nitpicking and criticizing as inane. Well, you should really consider the frailty nature of your thought process:

Defee said:
I heard that Muslims get 7 or 17 virgins in Heaven, (pretty oxymoron to me, sorry to say that) but what about women?

You started your sentence with "I heard..." and asked a question about women as if the first statement were true. Hearing something isn't a fact. Pretty stupid, isn't it?

You first refer to Muslims which include men and women. You later on ask, "What about women?" Pretty stupid, isn't it?

Defee said:
Like i said before, Yiffzer and others do not read the Bible so they dont understand, Reba. :roll:

Assumption on your part which I absolutely must correct. That's like assuming I kill people even though I've repeatedly said I don't. Pretty stupid, isn't it?

Defee said:
You cant read either and you dont understand the Bible.
You only read the Koran... Why you keep on arguing with us Christians? since your beliefs are different from ours?

Another assumption on your part. It begs the question if you've ever read what I say or if you even understand what I say. You accuse me of not understanding the Bible when I've collaborated with Christians and non-Christians into helping each other understand the scriptures. You accuse me of only reading the Qur'an which I actually don't. You accuse me of having a belief which I actually don't. Pretty stupid, isn't it?

It is not me. It is you who is tiring and boring. Please, do not bother...
What about referring to holy books that have common origins (e.g. Abrahamic faith)?

Even with that, they don't know. They just put a lot of faith into those books.
Well, I suppose you just missed the entire point I was making...

Perhaps intimidation was not the right word. You simply received the wrong impression by the usage of my words alone. You perceived me to be a "know it all" person with an attitude. The very point I was making is the wording I use that make me appear to be so. However, have I ever said I knew more than anyone else? Not even once. It is an interesting observation of your reaction to the simple wording I use.

You also consider my nitpicking and criticizing as inane. Well, you should really consider the frailty nature of your thought process:

You started your sentence with "I heard..." and asked a question about women as if the first statement were true. Hearing something isn't a fact. Pretty stupid, isn't it?

You first refer to Muslims which include men and women. You later on ask, "What about women?" Pretty stupid, isn't it?

Assumption on your part which I absolutely must correct. That's like assuming I kill people even though I've repeatedly said I don't. Pretty stupid, isn't it?

Another assumption on your part. It begs the question if you've ever read what I say or if you even understand what I say. You accuse me of not understanding the Bible when I've collaborated with Christians and non-Christians into helping each other understand the scriptures. You accuse me of only reading the Qur'an which I actually don't. You accuse me of having a belief which I actually don't. Pretty stupid, isn't it?

It is not me. It is you who is tiring and boring. Please, do not bother...

Yet, you are here trying to convert the uninformed so they could understand your point of view on religion as a whole. Why do you even bother continuing like this?
Yet, you are here trying to convert the uninformed so they could understand your point of view on religion as a whole. Why do you even bother continuing like this?

I had to log off earlier this morning due to unforseen circumstances,
thats why i didnt answer this one, ugh.
RitCount..what do you mean by saying "uninformed" are you saying
us believers "uninformed" heh? If so, i dont appreciate it at all. How
would you like it if we say you Unbelievers/doubters that you are
"uninformed" geeez! That is not fair.
Mod Note:

Thread was previously closed per Mod Team's decision--posts have been removed, allowing to re-open this thread once more. Please keep the belitting and whatnots elsewhere, if you cannot post with respect, it's best not to post at all.

Therefore, thread's re-opened--

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