Independent women


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Jan 26, 2005
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Why most independent women are alone?

They got their college degrees and got nice career but they are unhappy because they spend a lot of time on getting degree and concentrate on their job....

Look at Jennifer Aniston, she threw away her handsome husband Brad Pitt so she can pursue her movie career but all the movies she made are unsuccessful... She refused to have children with Brad Pitt and divorced him.

And brad pitt is now adopting 2 children by angelina jolie... Smh.

I would love to have a wonderful guy like brad pitt... And I am an independent woman because no good man ever enter in my life.

I know that I have say that I don't want men because I met only bad men.... I wish God would send me a good man. But oh well. :P :(
Miss*Pinocchio said:
Why most independent women are alone?

They got their college degrees and got nice career but they are unhappy because they spend a lot of time on getting degree and concentrate on their job....

Look at Jennifer Aniston, she threw away her handsome husband Brad Pitt so she can pursue her movie career but all the movies she made are unsuccessful... She refused to have children with Brad Pitt and divorced him. And brad pitt is now adopting 2 children by angelina jolie... Smh.

I would love to have a wonderful guy like brad pitt... And I am an independent woman because no good man ever enter in my life.

I know that I have say that I don't want men because I met only bad men.... I wish God would send me a good man. But oh well. :P :(

FYI, Jennifer Aniston did not throw Brad Pitt away. It was Brad who left her so he could be with Angelina Jolie.
ButterflyGirl said:
FYI, Jennifer Aniston did not throw Brad Pitt away. It was Brad who left her so he could be with Angelina Jolie.

They had trouble marriage before jolie jumped in.
Pftt. I am independent woman who is alone with high paying professional career, I have two boys that I raise alone, no guy in my life. It is different for every individual.

Some women is more independent and alone that does not need interferences in their lives.
downing said:
Pftt. I am independent woman who is alone with high paying professional career, I have two boys that I raise alone, no guy in my life. It is different for every individual.

Some women is more independent and alone that does not need interferences in their lives.

Men are interferences? So what happen if when you get olddddddddddd..... And job lay off you and your sons left and you don't see them a longggggg time and you be in that empty house all by yourself alone.....
And that neighborhood turn into high crime place and thugs know that you live alone.....
Will you stilll be happy alone? :Ohno:
Why most independent women are alone?

Not true – there are many independent women who are married too. I am very independent yet I am engaged to marry for second time now. I m not going to give it up. My man will support and understand my need to remain independent yet a part of a couple.

They got their college degrees and got nice career but they are unhappy because they spend a lot of time on getting degree and concentrate on their job....

Where is a link or research that supports this absurd myth?

Look at Jennifer Aniston, she threw away her handsome husband Brad Pitt so she can pursue her movie career but all the movies she made are unsuccessful... She refused to have children with Brad Pitt and divorced him.

You only read what media provides to you. You do not know what went on behind closed doors. But it is widely known that Pitt dumped Aniston for Jolie. Again, you do not know what really took place – just gossip. You complain about deaf gossip yet you think it is okay to believe in media gossip about these people?

And brad pitt is now adopting 2 children by angelina jolie... Smh.

What is wrong with that? Pitt found love of his life and wants to create a family with Jolie.

I would love to have a wonderful guy like brad pitt... And I am an independent woman because no good man ever enter in my life.

Anyone can have Brad Pitt but there is only one Brad Pitt ..Jolie has him. You claim that you are independent but I don’t see you living alone or holding down a job. Independent women do not live with their mothers and have all of their needs catered to.

I know that I have say that I don't want men because I met only bad men.... I wish God would send me a good man. But oh well.

Have you heard of Free-Will? God does provide what we need but it is ON his time too. You have to play a role into this too. You have to change your attitude, get out, have your heart open and willing for risk-taking and have realistic goals.
there are many independent women who are married too. I am very independent yet I am engaged to marry for second time now. I m not going to give it up. My man will support and understand my need to remain independent yet a part of a couple.

I thought that 2 people become one after marriage...? Why be independent? I thought husband and wife have to do everything together?

living alone or holding down a job. Independent women do not live with their mothers and have all of their needs catered to.

I don't depend on my mom but I do depend on government... I can move out whenever I ready.

I know that I have say that I don't want men because I met only bad men.... I wish God would send me a good man. But oh well.

Have you heard of Free-Will? God does provide what we need but it is ON his time too. You have to play a role into this too. You have to change your attitude, get out, have your heart open and willing for risk-taking and have realistic goals.

Miss*Pinocchio said:
there are many independent women who are married too. I am very independent yet I am engaged to marry for second time now. I m not going to give it up. My man will support and understand my need to remain independent yet a part of a couple.

I thought that 2 people become one after marriage...? Why be independent? I thought husband and wife have to do everything together?

living alone or holding down a job. Independent women do not live with their mothers and have all of their needs catered to.

I don't depend on my mom but I do depend on government... I can move out whenever I ready.

I know that I have say that I don't want men because I met only bad men.... I wish God would send me a good man. But oh well.

Have you heard of Free-Will? God does provide what we need but it is ON his time too. You have to play a role into this too. You have to change your attitude, get out, have your heart open and willing for risk-taking and have realistic goals.

:thumbd: You cannot be independent if you depend on government. Get a real job instead of smooching from us tax-paying people!
is a woman's independence in a marriage okay with God?

I am dealing with an issue and I am hoping that there are others out there that can help me. Its an issue between being independent and also dealing with meddling inlaws, so I may not be in the right forum. :dunno: I am an independant woman. I was raised like that. Its a part of me and I don't know how else to be. I want to be happy with my husband but I want to be accepted for who I am. Yes I know its something I should have ensured before I got married. However now I'm in this situation and I need help. I guess what I need is respect. My inlaws say that I should be more christian. They say that a wife should be submissive. I am submissive to a point. My inlaws are control freaks, particularly my greek mother in law. I'm starting to have issues with my personal relationship with God because I can't believe that He would mandate for woman to be so... dominated... demeaned... Am I the only one out there whose dealt with this?