Immigration and Green Card.


New Member
May 11, 2007
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I having without for immigration and Green Card, But i am not sure, if does you know about of this, Or i don't know.

All the is world,Issue problem with deaf people caring for Education,Job,marriage,Children,and Etc etc, you know. But if Deaf person don't have to Green Card and Immigration or Citizen for Vote, so whoever, And I'm Support Deaf should have Liecnse I. D. From the DMV and Citzen. Because Deaf people alway know as full as english and ASL, right? that very important about support for Green Card and Immigration, And For now, i have worried about some of my friend who are hispanic or whoever diverstiy don't have it. But they're too older Adult without Do to the something. What do you think about it? :type:
If you don't have a green card, aren't you supposed to go back and apply for one? The river's low at this time of the year....
Deaf Latin,

Europeans do speak more than two languages than you think. They already speak English. By the American law, they do have to follow them by applying in order to become a US citizens if they already know the English language. I have numerous of friends from countries worked so hard to become US citizens. I know a friend from Britain had to wait 7 years after she turned in the papers at the US Embassy, so she can become an US citizen. She even had to learn the American history, laws, etc. If she can do it, so can you. Patience is virtue.

<---the daughter of the immigrant parents.
Or you could just wed to an american and easy-out! Ach.. does that stuff still work I wonder.
If you don't have a green card, aren't you supposed to go back and apply for one? The river's low at this time of the year....

LOL too funny yet ironic and truthful

Why care about green card for these friends? I was just at the Mexican border recently and was shocked at how many Mexicans were trying to escape into USA. I had to wait in car line for damn 6 and half hours trying to enter into USA, thanks to much more stricter laws and checkups. The border agents and K9 dogs were swarming everywhere like ants.

We already have enough domestic problems without adding these immigrants who just want to take advantage of our laws and society. :pissed:

That would be Green Card. The INS is going to ask you lots of questions to see if how well you know your future spouse. INS doesn't like it when they try to get green cards by marrying easily in order to live in America. My US citizen sister was married to her husband from country.
Haha, I was more mocking the notion of people doing that than actually suggesting it. Hm, green card. If I have a bussiness card made green and draw on it with a black crayon saying "green card" do ya think anyone would be convinced? I mean it is a green card after all? Hehe :D
Haha, I was more mocking the notion of people doing that than actually suggesting it. Hm, green card. If I have a bussiness card made green and draw on it with a black crayon saying "green card" do ya think anyone would be convinced? I mean it is a green card after all? Hehe :D

:lol: good one!
Haha, I was more mocking the notion of people doing that than actually suggesting it. Hm, green card. If I have a bussiness card made green and draw on it with a black crayon saying "green card" do ya think anyone would be convinced? I mean it is a green card after all? Hehe :D

:P Good try. That's not what the green card currently looks like now. I suggest "pink!" At one time the green card was “green,” which is how it derived its name. It has undergone many alterations, and is now “pink!” This identity card contains the foreign national’s photograph, signature, and fingerprint.
Deaf Latin,

Europeans do speak more than two languages than you think. They already speak English. By the American law, they do have to follow them by applying in order to become a US citizens if they already know the English language. I have numerous of friends from countries worked so hard to become US citizens. I know a friend from Britain had to wait 7 years after she turned in the papers at the US Embassy, so she can become an US citizen. She even had to learn the American history, laws, etc. If she can do it, so can you. Patience is virtue.

<---the daughter of the immigrant parents.

America don't have offical language.
Dark Half was right. That's why it was called de facto. It means acting or existing in fact but without legal sanction. I never stated it was the official Federal language because it doesn't exist yet. About 30 States recognize the English language but presently, it is growing and of course, due to ongoing lawsuits. As US citizens, we do have to follow the State laws as well wherever we reside. Read XIV Amendment. New immigrants still have to take ESL (english second language), the American history, and Civic classes. I speak from family members experiences. Also, My parents are from different countries and had to learn the English language.

In the American history, President John Adams proposed to establish an official English language, but the Continental Congress rejected it because it would be great threat to individual liberties. I am sure we all know what President Teddy Roosevelt said about the English language. If he were alive today, he'll go insane.

The U.S. is not the only one who can deal with the immigration problems. Every country deal with same problems. Mexico have harsher laws than the American laws. Do you know what they are doing to illegal immigrants when they enter Mexico illegal from El Salvador, Belize, etc. They dump them in the prisons and are never heard again. We have seen simliar situations with the Americans when they came to Baja CA from San Diego for a visit. UK has far worse immigration problems than here. A friend of mine is half English and told me all about the stories like Middle Easterns, Africans, and new immigrants living in UK and don't even speak English. That's why UK is so expensive, especially high taxes. UK doesn't recognize the English language. Indeed, it is de facto. She is extremely frustrated with what's going on with immigration problems in UK even though she speaks French, Catalan Spanish, and her native English language.

My Canadian ex-boyfriend loathes official French-speaking Quebec, because Quebec tried to separate itself from Canada and become a country. He even mentioned that Quebecois even shouldn't speak French language because he and his Canadian friends barely speak French. They even like to make fun of it. I've had been listening to his Canadian friends and they are extremely bitter toward Quebec, blaming them for raising taxes.

The English language is also an official language of India, the Philippines, and many African countries.

I am disappointed that the American government wants to raise immigrant fees again, which makes it harder for any new immigrant and refugee to enter the country for better life.

I recently watched the Democractic presidential candidates debate last night. CNN Wolf Blitzer asked the candidates if they supported making English the official language. Not a single one of them supports making English the official language, except former-Alaska Governor Mike Gravel.

Nobody wants to solve the immigration problems. It is a lost cause.
I honestly think immigration is the least of our current worries. Global warming should be primary if it's as serious as people claim. Frankly there is a lot flawed with the government systems and we could do so much better -- unfortunately people aren't educated and simply don't really notice changes or try to enofrce/support/vote for them. They just sit around and complain. Hopefully one day people will realize that to make America better we need to actually parpicate in politics and vote on passing laws etc.
Some illegal immigrants are not well educated on environment issues and don't care about them. They don't even write. I live near San Diego. I've seen plenty of illegal immigration problems. There are about average 3-6 families living in a single house together. They even took the grasses and trees out of their front yard and filled it up with cement, so they can park their cars on the driveway. We need to plant more trees. They are our filters. Dozens of trucks and cars park on the front and back yards when there is no room left on the driveway.
There are plenty of broken cars along the street leaking oils, gas and any chemical liquid, ruining the streets. It is extremely common here in the San Diego county.

There are migrant camps in San Diego where they sleep in the tents and leave their messy camps in the bushes and trees for works. They even drink water directly from water canals. They also use it for laundry and bath. When I usually go out for jog, I am so tired of seeing them peeing in the water canals and public areas where they shouldn't. Even illegal immigrants drive trucks, vans and cars without licenses and insurances. They should be checked for smog inspection as well.