

New Member
Jan 15, 2006
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I've been wondering about this for a while now.

Is too much imagination too dangerous for you since you tend to 'zone out' more oftenly than not and or can it actually benefits you?

For me I have a really, really hyperactive imagination for example, I see myself as a hero in a doomed world or what not. Or can it cripple children for life in society and what not?

I'm pretty curious as to your opinions on this.
Imagination actually liberate people from the limits of reality. The traditional view of imagination is that when somebody imagines something, they have a "picture" in their mind. However, i think this model is false, because there is no such "picture." When we are imagining something, even though there is no picture, we are trying to force our consciousness and become conscious of the imagined object. Consequently, there is no internal structure of the imagination, other than directing the consciousness upon the imagined object. The mind, in order to imagine, is free from all specific reality, and this freedom means in imagination, consciousness can define itself on its own terms.

If you try and imagine a "heffalump" it is the same as perceiving an elephant. Both examples are spontaneous intentional acts of the consciousness.