I'm Officially Married! (pix)


<p><a href="http://www.pyzam.com/graphics/details/2587"><img src="http://content.pyzam.com/graphics/compliments/BCcongrats0628.gif" alt="Mr. & Mrs." border="0" /></a><br />More <a href="http://www.pyzam.com/graphics">Graphics</a> at <a href="http://www.pyzam.com/graphics">pYzam.com</a><br /></p>
Whoa, how in the world can you do that??? You can do old photo with the new ones? I wonder...it is soooo BEAUTIFUL!!!! You are so creative!!!
WWWWOOOWWW!!!!! Great job, Liebling! They are beautiful!!!!!
Liebling, you are so talented! I have always thought so. Keep up the beautiful work.

Oh that is sooo beautiful! I am sure RebelGirl will like it very much. You are very talented for making pics. Well done! :)
WOW!!! I love the pictures you created for Rebelgirl, they are soooo beautiful ... wow!!! it's very inspiring and so creative!!!