I'm next!

[ Deaf Mama. Good luck. I just watched a lot of movies, slept, and enjoyed the Percocet while I needed it.[/QUOTE]

Thanks! I plan on doing the same. I will be getting some movies on Weds to have it ready for probably Friday as I'd be watching all my Thursday night shows if I'm up to it Thurs eveing. :] I plan on sleeping, watching movies, doing stuff that doesn't require much of my enegry. lol, and reclining in my in law's chair that we borrowed for a week. :]
Just a quick update - I have to be at the hosptal by 8:30 am & surgery will be at about 10'ish am!!! Ekkkkkkkkkkkkkk. Now it's hitting me hard ever since I found out the time & stuff a few hours ago. :]

Thanks to everyone for the kind words! :]
I wish you the best. Glad the time has finally arived.

I remember so clearly when I went in back in December.
Didn't get nervous until I was at the Hospital. Blood pressure told everything. Yep, little anxiety but so much to look forward to.

If you have any questions and want to bounce them off someone in SE Michigan, send me a PM.
The best of success in your endeavors.

May you hear that gong a mile away when you are hooked up! :D
Good luck! post as soon as you are able or have your husband jump on and let us know how you are.
Good Luck tomorrow deafmama! Let us know how you are doing as soon as you are up to it.

Just rest as much as you can...

and good luck with surgery..

You will do fine :)

Frank, I have been reading lots about alernative meds etc too..

I'm an implanted woman now!

Yep, as the title says. . . I did it! I'll tell the whole story later. Just came up to my room to go to the bathroom & since my laptop is in here, I decided to write a quick msg and let everyone know I'm doing fine. . . in alot of pain but fine otherwise. :)

PS- The Audi & Dr. was sooo pleased when the Audi tested the implant and everyone in OR room was a bit excited when they saw how well I did when they tested it. They're now anxiously waiting to see me for activation day.
I go back to my surgeon next Thursday for my post op visit.

Oh and I will take pics of the area & all so you all can see what it looks like. I have no idea how much got shaved and all. I went in having straight hair, after I straightened it at home. I had no idea they'd put water on most of my head,s o now I have messy curly hair. Blah! And I'm still in the turban style head wrap until tomorrow. I can't wait to have my hubby remove it!

Talk more later. :)
Deafmama so glad your surgery was a success! get lots of rest.

The Audi & Dr. was sooo pleased when the Audi tested the implant and everyone in OR room was a bit excited when they saw how well I did when they tested it. How do they test it? are you awake?

I will take pics of the area -Cant wait to see them.
Glad you didn't die :giggle: and are back safe and sound! Rest up now.
Glad you didn't die :giggle: and are back safe and sound! Rest up now.:laugh2:

LOL! Looks like you remembered one of my fears, dying in surgery. I was told they had no problems dealing iwth my Asthma or breathing issues as I had none at all. Altho when I woke up I was on oxygen for a bit but I know they usually do that for everyone just to be on safe side and they let me take it off when I woke up and was aware it was there.

Okay so I we left home a bit late 'cause I was straightening my hair but we thought no biggie, we'd just be there right on time but we ran into traffic for a bit so we actually got there about 15 mins late. Oops. lol. I came in and while they were checking me in via my ID & insurance card, my hubby took a quick picture of me via my digital camera. Then they took me back to get changed into my oh so pretty hospital gown [note the sarcasm ;)] then I was put on a bed & they let my hubby back there so he could be there while I had my IV started. They wanted a pee sample but I already peed at home before we left home not knowing I needed to give my urine sample, oh well. :) Then my hubby tried taking a quick picture of me in my gown & stuff but appearently pictures aren't allowed at all. Luckily we both had our cell phones, so we used that. :x Heh. So, then the Dr. came in and said hi! And I told him "I'm here for breast implants, not CI, got it?" He laughed and said "Well then I'll have to get you another Dr. cause I don't do those!" Hehe. He knew I as just teasing. Then the IV got started and the Anesthesiologist came in and talked to me. She fingerspelled "hi" just to show off that she knew how to do that. lol. She was super nice!!! Then I received two xanax, and another pill, can't remember what it was, I think maybe anti-nauseous pill? Then I received versed and something via my IV to hep sedate and relax me. My Mom, Aunt, Uncle, and a childhood friend of mine all came to see me right around the time I was receiving meds via the IV. We all talked for a bit & stuff, everyone kept encouraging me to think postitive and that I'm gonna do fine & I kept saying "I think I rather go home!" heh. I was trying to just keep my sense of humor and joke around with people. It helps to keep me calm. So then just before 10 am, they said it was time to go. And I said "No, It's time for me to go home!" heh. So they wheeled me to the OR and helped me move from the bed I was in to the OR table and got some warming blanket to warm me up since it was very cold in there. I could see them doing different stuff. Keeping the side that I had my IV laid down by me and the left arm went on this thingy, I dunno why. Then they all kept saying "you're gonna be fine" the Anesthesiologist signed "hi" and said she's gonna take good care of me, they all are. Then I see someone putting a mask over my face and I remember thinking "once I breathe this in, I'm gonna be in la la land" and I was out. Next thing I know, I was waking up and took off the oxygen mask & and told eveyone who was there that I was in so so so much pain. So I started receiving a dose or two of morphine but since it didn't help one bit, they gave me two doses of dilaudid and I drifted off to sleep but couldn't really sleep cause the pain never eased up at all. Then I'd keep wanting to sleep but I kept waking up often 'cause of the pain. I asked for ice chips 'casue my throat was dry and hurting. Then I fell asleep again. When I woke up a bit later, they had me move into a chair so I could start drinking hot chocolate and just sit up and relax, so I had them recline me in the chair and gave me more warm blanket. Then they gave my husband & I papers for for when I get discharged, my husband took the scripts which was for antibiotics and Tylenol #3 while my friend Kristen & I talked a bit. Then the nurses came back and they asked if I was still in pain and I said yes, it hasn't eased up at all. This is when the Dr. & Anesthesiologist came to check on me and told the nurses to give me alot more of dilaudid. The few doses of dilaudid didn't help ease my pain, it at least help me to sleep so my friend decided it was time for her to leave so I could try to sleep a bit plus she had to go get her son from school. When my husband came back with my scripts he saw the nurses giving me more dilaudid and just sat near me while I slept for awhile. When I woke up they asked me if I needed to pee & I said yeah, so they helped me up and let me walk over to the nearest bathroom & my husband stayed with me just in case I get dizzy or needed help. After that I went back to the chair and they said I could put my clothes back on and get ready to leave. So he & a nurse helped me get my clothes on. I remember specifically saying "I don't need my bra, since I'm going home & not gonna want it at home anyways!" ha. Then I was put in a wheelchair while my husband went out front to get the valet dude to get our minivan. Then I got in and reclined back so I could sleep. We stopped at CVS pharmacy before going home because my Dr. saw me with the Anesthesiologist, who told my Dr. that since I was in alot of pain, the Tylenol #3 that my husband had already gotten filled along with the antibiotics wasn't going to help so he prescribed Vicodin Extra Strength. Heh. Finally, at home, I went straight to the bathroom and peed. Then I sat in the recliner chair that we borrowed from my in laws just for this week & tried to watch TV but wanted to just sleep instead due to the pain so I took pain meds & xanax to get me sleepy because I was feeling very restless & all. That is when I came upstairs for a few minutes to pee in my own bathroom again & I got on the laptop & posted a msg to yall eariler. After that I decided to go back downstairs and go over to the couch my husband was at and reclined and slept next to him. I woke up several times and noticed he too had fallen asleep shortly after me, so we both just slept until like 10:15 pm! Then we watched our shows, The Office, Grey's Anatomy, ER, & CSI. Then I took more meds around 1 am & fell asleep for an hour then woke up feeling pretty good so I decided to come upstairs & use my laptop while hubby is watching his Tigers baseball game. heh.

Oh and. . . while still in recovery, I remember asking my husband what time I came back from surgery, and he said around 12:30. He said my Audi came out to talk w/ my family at 11:30. Then my Dr. talked to my family at noon, and gave them the paper that had two pictures with stuf he wrote all over it. They all thought it was super neat for me to have the pictures so I could see while in recovery. I now have it at home and my husband plans on scanning it. heh.
Oh and my husband also told me that when the nurses came to get him at 12:30, shortly after I was being brought back to the post-op/recovery area, when I woke up & started to come off of being under, I started fighting with the nurses, as I kept trying to get up & it was knocking out my bandaid, they figured out that I probably was trying to get up to go to the bathroom but when my husband got to my bedside he got me calmed down and I told him I needed to pee so they got me bed pan. lol. So I peed just a bit but barely cause I wanted to wait til I could get up and go to the bathroom. lol. Yes, I'm picky & I hate bedpans!!! Heh.

Sorry this is super long!

When I "wake up" later today for the day, we can finally cut off the turban style bandaid. Finally!!! But ack, when can I wash my freaking hair? :( I wanna wash it and re-straighten it. My hair look so frizzy due to me having naturally curly hair. Blah!

Have a good night yall!

And thanks to EVERYONE!!!
YIke I got lost while reading.. wished you break them into paragraph oh well..