I'm Kellie from Gulfport, Mississippi


New Member
Jun 3, 2011
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I enjoy learning ASL. I googled "ASL COOK" and it brought me here! I have never heard of this site before.
I'm a stay at home working Mother of a 7 month old girl. She's my all!

I started learning ASL on my own when I was in high school. My school had a community of deaf students and we had interpreters in our classrooms so the deaf kids could learn with hearing students. I bought a few pocket ASL dictionaries but never really went with it. That school even taught ASL as a second language!
Here I am now, a mother wanting to communicate with my infant. I am in the process of teaching her signs, while myself is learning ASL. I am using a free online ASL class ( you probably know of it) I'm going to a local free ASL class starting next Tuesday, for a month, and my daughter has baby signing time that we watch together.

I was born in Los Angeles, lived in Burbank for 15 years, move to NY in 1999. Finished College in 2006 and moved to MS and have lived here in Gulfport for 5 years!
:welcome: to AllDeaf forum. Enjoy reading and posting all the threads here. See you around here. :wave: