I'm back again!


Emotional Mess
Premium Member
Mar 24, 2008
Reaction score

After being on for a while and then having to move and getting on again, I seem to have had a computer crash and finally got a new 'puter. It's taken me a while to get things back up with all that's going on in this household.

Mother-in-law was sick for a while, mother was sick and now we have the diagnosis of Cirrohsis (spelling?) of the liver. She has Hep C from a blood transfusion back in 1986. We didn't know of a problem until a year ago with her last hospitalization. Hubby finally found work, kids are settling into Florida living and home schooling here and I am trying to do all housework, and drive the 2 mother's to all appointments, do the home schooling and still try to teach myself ASL. Oh Joy!!!

I plan to check in here each evening as I have missed my AllDeaf family.


After being on for a while and then having to move and getting on again, I seem to have had a computer crash and finally got a new 'puter. It's taken me a while to get things back up with all that's going on in this household.

Mother-in-law was sick for a while, mother was sick and now we have the diagnosis of Cirrohsis (spelling?) of the liver. She has Hep C from a blood transfusion back in 1986. We didn't know of a problem until a year ago with her last hospitalization. Hubby finally found work, kids are settling into Florida living and home schooling here and I am trying to do all housework, and drive the 2 mother's to all appointments, do the home schooling and still try to teach myself ASL. Oh Joy!!!

I plan to check in here each evening as I have missed my AllDeaf family.


Hi there, good to see you back, I think you are one of the few deaf people who takes such long breaks.

I am glad your life is getting under control, although it seems as if you are very, very , busy. :)
It's slow going, but I'm getting there.

I'm hoping that I won't have to take too many other breaks, but then life gets in the way sometimes.

Welcome back KristinaB :)

Good to see you back, I hope things will get better for you. :)
:welcome: back to AllDeaf forum, Kristina. I know it is difficult when you are so busy doing everything for your family members and no break at all. I am glad that you are back again. Just take it easy when you find that you are going to be busy so give yourself time to do what you need to do around at home or elsewhere. Just pop in every now and then to do some posting here. You don't have to post every day if you don't feel like it when you are so busy. I am looking forward to your posts here. :thumb: I hope to see you around more often. :wave: