If you could have a day with anyone from the past.....

ah the famous writer, why?

Oh man, there are so many reasons. I love his writing, his tales, poems, would love to pick his brain on some of them, like what the hell was he thinking when he wrote it.

I'd also really love to know if he really haunts "The horse you came in on" cause that would be pretty cool.:giggle:
Anne Frank, Princess Diana.....Those are the two that come immediately to mind, as well as, of course, my dearly beloved grandmothers.
I've love to meet Thomas and Edward Gallaudet. I also would love to meet Laurent Clerc as well.

I woud love to meet Worth, Victoria, Lillie Langley, Poe, Dickenson, and Dickens. I've always been interested in the Victorian era though I've never been one for lace and frilly stuff. I must confess I think i'd be slightly abashed upon meeting Queen Victoria.
I would have loved to meet Molly Brown.
I've love to meet Thomas and Edward Gallaudet. I also would love to meet Laurent Clerc as well.

I woud love to meet Worth, Victoria, Lillie Langley, Poe, Dickenson, and Dickens. I've always been interested in the Victorian era though I've never been one for lace and frilly stuff. I must confess I think i'd be slightly abashed upon meeting Queen Victoria.

and what about her lover- Prince Albert, you would be able to ask him what's his secret why is he walking funny time to time :giggle:
and what about her lover- Prince Albert, you would be able to ask him what's his secret why is he walking funny time to time :giggle:

Speaking of Albert the Prince Consort, perhaps I should meet him. He was her hubby. When he died in 1861, Victoria went into mourning for him for the rest of her life till her death in 1901. John Brown is rumored to be her lover. He's German so I guess he goose steps from time to time.
Speaking of Albert the Prince Consort, perhaps I should meet him. He was her hubby. When he died in 1861, Victoria went into mourning for him for the rest of her life till her death in 1901. John Brown is rumored to be her lover. He's German so I guess he goose steps from time to time.

oh you know more than i do...but are you aware the Prince Albert appartus is named after him?