If Obama is a socialist. What was FDR?

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Dec 19, 2007
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Interesting read.

If Obama is a socialist, what was FDR?

TAMPA - The accusations come fast and furious on Web sites and talk radio: President Barack Obama is a socialist, a communist.

Is he? Is his health care proposal socialist?

"Yes. Next question," said Michael Steele, chairman of the national Republican Party, speaking to reporters in Washington on Monday.

"He has surrounded himself with people that have been for the redistribution of wealth. That's part of the communist mindset," said Ted Webb, a rightist Tampa radio commentator.

"'Communist' is not the correct word, and 'socialist' is debatable - the correct word is 'Marxist,'" said Rick Klepal, a Tampa commercial investment manager with an interest in politics.

If Obama is a socialist, there may be a lot of other political leaders in U.S. history who were, too, according to academics who study American history and politics.

The foremost candidate probably would be Franklin D. Roosevelt, several said.

Maybe Lyndon Johnson. John Kennedy? Thomas Jefferson? Bob Dole?

"The problem from the get-go is there are academic notions of what socialism is and there are political notions, which vary with the political culture," said Scott Paine, a Democrat and a political scientist at the University of Tampa.

The accusation of socialism, communism or generally destroying the American way of life tends to pop up whenever political leaders advocate ground-breaking legislation or government initiatives, said Richard Conley of the University of Florida.

"The American system is calibrated toward incremental change, not large-scale change," said Conley, a Republican who specializes in studying the presidency and says he's "on the conservative side of the spectrum and no big fan of Obama."

'Red Roosevelt'

In modern history, no president has been so excoriated as a socialist, communist and traitor to the American system than Roosevelt. His New Deal introduced half a dozen new types of government regulation and income redistribution.

In the 1930s, "the idea that the federal government would become involved not only in the economy but in social affairs was just unthinkable to many," Conley said. "It didn't represent what the U.S. was like until that point."

Today, some of those programs are among the nation's most widely accepted and popular - Social Security, mandatory bank-deposit insurance and regulation of securities sales.

But at the time, "the critics went berserk," said John Belohlavek, a political historian at the University of South Florida and a Democrat.

"They called him 'Red Roosevelt.' They said, 'This is communist Russia, the government taking over.'"

Father Charles Coughlin, a popular radio evangelist of the time with a populist, anti-Semitic philosophy, began as a Roosevelt backer but turned bitterly against him.

Coughlin, who combined the religious and political influence of Billy Graham and Rush Limbaugh, called Roosevelt "a Communist in the chair once occupied by Washington" and "anti-God," and said the New Deal was mired "in the Red mud of Soviet communism."

Republican opposition to Social Security didn't completely fade until the 1960s, Belohlavek said.

Other programs that drew fire against Roosevelt - welfare and agricultural subsidies, for example - have remained controversial but are not viewed as "socialism."

Roosevelt's Agricultural Adjustment Act, the beginning of farm subsidies, inspired some of the sharpest criticism. But conservative Republicans from wheat and corn states, including former senator and presidential contender Bob Dole of Kansas, fight for the subsidies.

Dole was also one of the main architects of the 1983 Social Security rescue plan, which dramatically increased taxes to save the income redistribution program.

When then-President Lyndon Johnson proposed a Medicare program, it drew the same criticisms as Obama's plan, Belohlavek said.

"It was called 'outrageous,' 'socialized medicine' - senior citizens would be mistreated and maltreated and wouldn't be able to choose their doctors. It was incredibly controversial."

Today, "not that it isn't flawed, but I can't imagine anybody arguing that we should give it up," Belohlavek said.

FDR's New Deal was just as much an experiment as critics say Obama's plan is, Conley said.

"In hindsight, we stopped the run on banks, got seniors Social Security so they didn't become paupers," he said. "But from the vantage point of the 1930s, the outcome was anything but certain."

Conley said a proposal for national regulation of health care takes government activism into a more intimate and controversial arena.

"It's one thing to regulate the fat cats on Wall Street, but very different to start talking about regulating decisions you make with your family, your spiritual adviser or your doctor," he said.

"That's part of the president's problem right now."

U.S. political culture

Debating whether Obama - or Roosevelt or Johnson - is a socialist is meaningless, Paine said.

"It's not about the definition of the word; it's about the connotation of the word in our political culture," he said.

In general, "socialism" means controlling production and distribution of goods and services to make the benefits less dependent on ability to pay for them, Paine said.

Depending on how you interpret that, a public school system, a graduated income tax, or even Tampa police service could be "socialist," he said.

Public schools - begun by the "common school" movement of the 18th century and led by Jefferson before the term "socialism" was coined - are available at no charge and paid for by property taxes based on the value of an individual's assets. Sso is police protection.

Income tax takes a greater percentage from the rich than the poor.

"Any system that provides services to people who can't pay, or who pay less than it costs, and the subsidy comes from people who can afford to pay more, could be considered socialist," Paine said.

But most of those who criticize Obama's plan aren't thinking about that academic definition. "A socialist is someone that believes that the state should tell you how to live, what kind of insurance you should have, what kind of car you should drive," Webb said.

Klepal said socialism is "when the government seeks to control the economy by controlling methods of production."

He said health care differs from other government programs that redistribute money or regulate economic activity.

"It's life and death. ... I don't want to have the federal government in that process."

But if socialism means placing the good of society ahead of the good of the individual, there could be few better formulations than Kennedy's:

"Ask not what your country can do for you. Ask what you can do for your country."


Discuss away!
We are a Democratic Republic.
I believe one of Jefferson's quotes would apply here...(paraphrased)

"The democracy will cease to exist, when you take away from one what he has worked for and give it to one who will not work"

While many of Jefferson's ideas were indeed in the socialist realm he knew the truth of robbing Peter to make Paul comfortable, so to speak.
I was wondering why there was a huge outcry of Socialism since Obama took office. In my opinion, I dont think Obama wants the govt to fully control our lives. I think he just wants to create programs to help Americans, hence the Nationalized Health Care Plan, but what happened was that to many people, it appeared a form of Socialism.

That was interesting to read, Babyblue...thanks for sharing.
At least one writer on the left doesn't think Omaba is one. The article that I'm referring to in a magazine that devotes itself to anarchist, socialist and socalist-anarchism topics. I will allow that this site is fairly far to the left.

I normally don't post links to wikipedia but I think this will suffice here for now.
I was wondering why there was a huge outcry of Socialism since Obama took office. In my opinion, I dont think Obama wants the govt to fully control our lives. I think he just wants to create programs to help Americans, hence the Nationalized Health Care Plan, but what happened was that to many people, it appeared a form of Socialism.

That was interesting to read, Babyblue...thanks for sharing.

that's the thing. it's un-American to make people pay for something that will not be available to themselves!

I do not mind paying tax for these public service and Medicaid/Medicare but I will be :mad2: if I have to pay more for government-funded programs that costs more than private. This is America. What's unique about it is PRIVATIZATION. we pay for tax that funds library, police, and road. It does not make any sense to me to pay for tax if we are not allowed or cannot use that library, police, and road. It does not make any sense to me either when paying tax for police if it costs more than having your own bodyguards.

It does not make any sense to pay exhuberent amount of tax because the GDP in here is pretty damn high.... meaning there's PLENTY enough money for our government to pay for whatever. How much more do we have to pay for their incompetent spending??? :mad2:
that's the thing. it's un-American to make people pay for something that will not be available to themselves!

I do not mind paying tax for these public service and Medicaid/Medicare but I will be :mad2: if I have to pay more for government-funded programs that costs more than private. This is America. What's unique about it is PRIVATIZATION. we pay for tax that funds library, police, and road. It does not make any sense to me to pay for tax if we are not allowed or cannot use that library, police, and road. It does not make any sense to me either when paying tax for police if it costs more than having your own bodyguards.

It does not make any sense to pay exhuberent amount of tax because the GDP in here is pretty damn high.... meaning there's PLENTY enough money for our government to pay for whatever. How much more do we have to pay for their incompetent spending??? :mad2:

Maybe I am biased but I believe that Nationalized Health Care will give everyone the opportunity for health insurance. I know so many people who don't have health insurance at all and cant afford to purchase it.

Something is terribly wrong with the system if people are without it.
I'd like to know the list of salaries of hospital doctors in European nations. I am told the salary of a doctor in Spain is average 60,000 euro a year.
What's your idea about cover over 50 million uninsured Americans?
that's the thing. it's un-American to make people pay for something that will not be available to themselves!

I do not mind paying tax for these public service and Medicaid/Medicare but I will be :mad2: if I have to pay more for government-funded programs that costs more than private. This is America. What's unique about it is PRIVATIZATION. we pay for tax that funds library, police, and road. It does not make any sense to me to pay for tax if we are not allowed or cannot use that library, police, and road. It does not make any sense to me either when paying tax for police if it costs more than having your own bodyguards.

It does not make any sense to pay exhuberent amount of tax because the GDP in here is pretty damn high.... meaning there's PLENTY enough money for our government to pay for whatever. How much more do we have to pay for their incompetent spending??? :mad2:

It has nothing with being America about private health care, unless it is your opinion.
Maybe I am biased but I believe that Nationalized Health Care will give everyone the opportunity for health insurance. I know so many people who don't have health insurance at all and cant afford to purchase it.

Something is terribly wrong with the system if people are without it.
Simple - instead of nationalized health care, how about cheaper medical cost? if you guys are going to stop being trigger-happy with "SUE SUE SUE", then medical sector will probably start lowering the cost - meaning they will not have to pay exuberant amount to their malpractice insurance.

What's your idea about cover over 50 million uninsured Americans?
as said in my post - do something about the cost of medical expense. The government should come down hard on medical sector for making it outrageously expensive. The government should also come down hard on people who are sue trigger-happy.
It has nothing with being America about private health care, unless it is your opinion.

please come up with a post that makes sense.
Simple - instead of nationalized health care, how about cheaper medical cost? if you guys are going to stop being trigger-happy with "SUE SUE SUE", then medical sector will probably start lowering the cost - meaning they will not have to pay exuberant amount to their malpractice insurance.

as said in my post - do something about the cost of medical expense. The government should come down hard on medical sector for making it outrageously expensive. The government should also come down hard on people who are sue trigger-happy.

It's the cost of malpractice premiums that is out of control. If the doctor is in a speciality that is percieved to be in a high risk field they will pay more. However, though I am not in favor of frivolous lawsuits or outrageous costs in lawsuits; tort reform have been tried and found wanting.
America is not class based nation

America is not classist nation but right now our private health system is.
Rich=get top rate Medical care
Middle Class=you are okay till something major happens.
Working poor or just plain poor=make your peace with god and prepare to die.
Now the founding fathers did not want socialism but the also were no fans of classism and that is classism to me.
There's Obama's speeches that address on health care reform.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lGdbKEr29I0]YouTube - Weekly Address: Necessary Reform, Absurd Attacks[/ame]

It has CC.
America is not classist nation but right now our private health system is.
Rich=get top rate Medical care
Middle Class=you are okay till something major happens.
Working poor or just plain poor=make your peace with god and prepare to die.
Now the founding fathers did not want socialism but the also were no fans of classism and that is classism to me.

LOL, and now noticed a new tv series, Royal Pains, isnt that just fabulous? its a clever ploy to justify just that, classism in health care as they want to get rid of the middle/lower classes people.
Maybe we should adopt Canadian health care and their health care is successfully as I've heard.
America is not classist nation but right now our private health system is.
no.... but it's a capitalistic nation built by capitalists - our founding fathers. Most of them were capitalists and elitists.

Rich=get top rate Medical care
Middle Class=you are okay till something major happens.
Working poor or just plain poor=make your peace with god and prepare to die.
Now the founding fathers did not want socialism but the also were no fans of classism and that is classism to me.

are you sure about that? You might want to look into their backgrounds :)
Jiro, Bush destroyed capitalism to save it, remember? That's what he said when the corporate socialism began. Bailouts for bankers.
Jiro, Bush destroyed capitalism to save it, remember? That's what he said when the corporate socialism began. Bailouts for bankers.

you sure you're not confusing Bush with Obama? :hmm: Corporate socialism, you say? That's Obama... with GM under 60% government ownership. None of corporate-government ownership occurred under Bush.
Not confused. Here's the actual quote:

"I've abandoned free-market principles to save the free-market system." -- George Bush, at 1:40 in this CNN video. (via Slate)

video at: Brilliant self-contradictory quote from President Bush - Boing Boing

You can tell that I'm not a big fan of the bailout. Obama also voted for the bailout. After election, Obama appointed the same banksters who created the whole mess (like Timothy Geither). You, I and our offspring will be paying the bailout tab forever.
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