I wish my grass was emo

This thread is so Emo.
You all have the general idea of what EMO is. My girlfriend is Emo. Emo is just the new goth. The culture went through the evolution from being goth to Emo carrying on the tradition of wearing all black. I am goth, my girlfriend is emo.

When the music group, Fall Out Boy, put out their very first music video on tv, fans immediately started calling the band a sell out. The reason for this is our culture forbids bands from using highly public exposure methods to promote their music such as broadcast television, public radio, etc. This is due to the acceptence of "Underground culture". Generally speaking, music groups who stay underground out of the limelight have a much longer music career. If they go public, selling out, their music career is considerably shorter. Why? When exposed to the public, there are thousands and thousands of people who analye everything about the music, band members, personality to death that there is nothing left to pique our interest in the music group again. Staying underground keeps such information hidden, only to be found on obscure website, or magazines usually only found at large book stores like Barnes or Nobles or Borders.

Now to explain the cutting. Self mutilation is an entirely separate issue from being goth or emo or whatever it is now. Only a small percentage of emo people cut just like only a small percentage of socially accepted groups cut. We, the underground people, hide our cuts and scars as well as you above- grounders do too. Talking about, cutting is really a moot point. I could continue on with this subject, but that's an entirely different issue.