I need to lose weight

BTW my pant measurements are 33X30. Im sooo fuggin close to 30X30. The smallest I have been are 28X30 and those are hard to find!
and how much is this gonna cost me?
BTW my pant measurements are 33X30. Im sooo fuggin close to 30X30. The smallest I have been are 28X30 and those are hard to find!

i'm 32x30. my damn potbelly....
avoid fried foods and trans fats. Also, minimize your intake of high fructcose corn syrup (sugar)

The zone diet worked best for me. Lost weight really fast.
my 33X30s are getting loose, my 12/13s are getting baggy in the seat and loos around the waist... could it be??

I stepped on th scale I weigh 135 now. Woot, 10-15 more pounds to go!