I know it seems odd...


New Member
Mar 1, 2012
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but I am getting headaches from my twins. I am hard of hearing and find that I really have to pay attention to sound to understand what is happening. Most of my time is spent organizing situations where I can understand conversation if people are not using sign. My twins are very vocal and one of them loves to scream at the top of her lungs just for fun. The constant high noise level makes my head hurt and I feel like I cannot focus on anything, by the end of the day I am drained. I'm not really looking for a solution, just others with a similar experience so we can chat. Did anything help you?
It doesn't seem odd at all!...Twins are double the work, poor you!....Hope you have been able to take a small nap whenever the babies do....and perhaps turn down ur HA or CI to lessen the noises....Does ur Hubby help? Friends/family?....Maybe other young mothers will be more of a help to you here....
Sometimes it feels like more then double the work! My hubby is amazing and helps a lot but the noise gets to him too. My screaming twin hits high decibels! I know most people would think I am weird for saying this but often I wish I could hear less, it's so hard to give sounds my full attention!
Sometimes it feels like more then double the work! My hubby is amazing and helps a lot but the noise gets to him too. My screaming twin hits high decibels! I know most people would think I am weird for saying this but often I wish I could hear less, it's so hard to give sounds my full attention!

Could ur baby have gas on the tummy?....It's painful, and maybe ask ur doctor for any advise he can give you......
I had a screamer and we found out that she, as a baby, had irritable bowel and was having major issues passing BM's in her diaper.
It doesn't seem odd at all!...Twins are double the work, poor you!....Hope you have been able to take a small nap whenever the babies do....and perhaps turn down ur HA or CI to lessen the noises....Does ur Hubby help? Friends/family?....Maybe other young mothers will be more of a help to you here....

I agree, I had those problems with my current hearing aids so I turned the volume down. piece a cake.
I know exactly what you are talking about. Don't have twins, but the screaming at the top of her lungs for fun, yes, that is someting familiar.
If it gets too much I just take my HAs out. That works best so far.
I take care of a child with severe autism. Turning my HA off prevents headaches. Sometimes, he gets very clingy, other times he wants to be left alone. 10 handfuls, not 1.
I take care of a child with severe autism. Turning my HA off prevents headaches. Sometimes, he gets very clingy, other times he wants to be left alone. 10 handfuls, not 1.

Same here. Mine never went to sleep on his own until he was 8 years old...and still has to be medicated in order to sleep.