I have issues with small dog...


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Mar 23, 2005
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I'm tired of dog to pee on floor everyday, we did training them and let them to outside then it wasn't work. I'm got frustrated and need learn their lesson but spank isn't work, also same with scold.

I need help to make reduce their pee on floor but supposed to hold on until send outside too.

Its useful if you put water bowl away at night so take dog outside then go bed.. And wont be peeing on the floor overnights!

so hope its help :)
I'm tired of dog to pee on floor everyday, we did training them and let them to outside then it wasn't work. I'm got frustrated and need learn their lesson but spank isn't work, also same with scold.

I need help to make reduce their pee on floor but supposed to hold on until send outside too.


Well .. first of all .. how old is your dog? How long did you have your dog? Where does that dog came from? I'll be back to check this thread.
Well .. first of all .. how old is your dog? How long did you have your dog? Where does that dog came from? I'll be back to check this thread.

My dog is 3 years old and shipped to USA from Mexico.

Just almost similar to this dog but my dog is small, black/brown and about 2 lbs.
My dog is 3 years old and shipped to USA from Mexico.

Just almost similar to this dog but my dog is small, black/brown and about 2 lbs.

Wow .. shipped from Mexico? How come? How long did you have her/him? Have you take her/him to the Vet. Perhaps he/she has heartworm or something that might causes peeing all the times.
Wow .. shipped from Mexico? How come? How long did you have her/him? Have you take her/him to the Vet. Perhaps he/she has heartworm or something that might causes peeing all the times.

Yea, we got it in 2003 and we did checked them at vet in July, also no heartworm was found from test.
Yea, we got it in 2003 and we did checked them at vet in July, also no heartworm was found from test.

Oh wow . .you had him/her since he/she was a puppy. Okay ... How long has he/she been peed all the times in the house? Has he/she been eating and drinking okay? Was he/she been acting in pain somewhat? Sorry if I was acting as a Vet, but I'm not. It's just depend on what was going on till I know what was might going on.

I'll be back to check this thread again.
Oh wow . .you had him/her since he/she was a puppy. Okay ... How long has he/she been peed all the times in the house? Has he/she been eating and drinking okay? Was he/she been acting in pain somewhat? Sorry if I was acting as a Vet, but I'm not. It's just depend on what was going on till I know what was might going on.

I'll be back to check this thread again.

My puppy is female and she had peed about few time everyday on floor, mostly on carpet.

She's drinking water so well.
Woof ...

Best is to take her to the vet to check that out -The Urine test, etc etc ..
I understand money is involved but she needs your help! if medical is cleared -- Best to confide her to one room (no carpet!) for a while or even in a crate. Take her out often. It could be a small bladder. Or Your dog may be untrained before she was sent to your home. Take away a bowl of water at nite. While taking out for bathroom outside. When she does it .. Best give her good praises .. For ex. Good Girl, give a dog cookie, etc etc. Again never scold or spank at your little pup (even she has an accident in the houes)! Take her out immediately! Take alot of patience! Small like Chihuahua and possible a Mexican Hairless dog tend to be very nervous and anxious. Not worth to scold at her with a high or angry voice. Sorry I am not a veterianian or a pet therapist. I've worked at the vet hospital for 6 years as a technican.

How interesting .. Did they provide a very little information on your dog's medical history before she was shipped to your home? How long ago is that? What breed is that? And...... you forgot to mention her name! She is sooo cute!
Confide to one room with a training doggy pad or even newspapers. I am amazed she is only 2 pounds. Could use the litter box! My cat is 14 lbs Eeek!
Confide to one room with a training doggy pad or even newspapers. I am amazed she is only 2 pounds. Could use the litter box! My cat is 14 lbs Eeek!

Not sure about litter box :rofl:
My puppy is female and she had peed about few time everyday on floor, mostly on carpet.

She's drinking water so well.

She has been peed in the house every days since you got her three years ago?
Not sure about litter box :rofl:

Well then try doggy pads or newspaper in one area for now. You gotta try to keep watch her as soon you see her when she gonna go peed... get her to go outside immediately. When she pees then tell her "good girl" with clap hands and petting her head. Then give her cookies in other word doggy treats.
Not sure about litter box :rofl:

Well then try to use trianing doggy pads or newspaper in one area for now. You gotta try to keep watch her as soon you see her when she gonna go peed... get her to go outside immediately. When she pees then tell her "good girl" with clap hands and petting her head. Then give her cookies in other word doggy treats.
Best is to take her to the vet to check that out -The Urine test, etc etc ..
I understand money is involved but she needs your help! if medical is cleared -- Best to confide her to one room (no carpet!) for a while or even in a crate. Take her out often. It could be a small bladder. Or Your dog may be untrained before she was sent to your home. Take away a bowl of water at nite. While taking out for bathroom outside. When she does it .. Best give her good praises .. For ex. Good Girl, give a dog cookie, etc etc. Again never scold or spank at your little pup (even she has an accident in the houes)! Take her out immediately! Take alot of patience! Small like Chihuahua and possible a Mexican Hairless dog tend to be very nervous and anxious. Not worth to scold at her with a high or angry voice. Sorry I am not a veterianian or a pet therapist. I've worked at the vet hospital for 6 years as a technican.

How interesting .. Did they provide a very little information on your dog's medical history before she was shipped to your home? How long ago is that? What breed is that? And...... you forgot to mention her name! She is sooo cute!

Yes I agree with you. I'm puzzled that when Pacman aka VolcomSkatz has her since 2003 as he posted earlier.
oh yeah me too it was Trippla then VolcomSkatz then now Pacman oh boy! :lol:

Ha ha...well I just joined here since three months ago and still don't know much members here yet. Trippla is new to me. I noticed it's VolcomSkatz because of his signature shown.
Well, I'm not an expert for any dogs but I know part because my friends own dogs.

1. It could be that a dog have bladder or kidney problems...?

2. Take dog for a walk and give him reward and praise her if you see him pee outside... he will know that pee is not acceptance in the house because you didn't praise him with reward...

3. You know dogs need your attention... Spend time on your dog... - Go for a walk with dog after give him eat and drink... Before you go bed, take dog for a walk....

Its just suggestion because dogs and cats are being treat like children how I did with my children and cats.
Well, we had our JRT (Jack Russell Terrier) since she was 6 weeks old. We trained her by sending her outside and when we see her pee and dumping we give her treat right away. Slowly she quit pee and dumping inside our house. It worked so well.
I know some dogs do train to do potty on litter box. Can't have both outside and litter box, it would only confuse the dog. So gotta to choose either one... BTW cute dog!
PSST hon...we got her at 8 weeks old. ;)

Yes that's correct...we did take her out and when she is done doing her business, I would ask her if she want a treat she get so excited cuz she know she is a good girl and did go to potty.

She'll give me a hand shake. ;)

Well, we had our JRT (Jack Russell Terrier) since she was 6 weeks old. We trained her by sending her outside and when we see her pee and dumping we give her treat right away. Slowly she quit pee and dumping inside our house. It worked so well.
I know some dogs do train to do potty on litter box. Can't have both outside and litter box, it would only confuse the dog. So gotta to choose either one... BTW cute dog!