i have a problem and can you help me


New Member
Sep 25, 2005
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hi i understand because i told the hearing aid provider that i have sensenural hearing loss and i was told that there is nerve damage in my left ear and i told the hearing aid provider and the lady said and bring the results in and she said that i have conductive hearing loss and i said it is not a conductive hearing loss, i was told and i went to a different hospital in 11th grade and got some special testing done and i was told the truth i have nerve damage in my left ear. she does not listen to me and i wish she would listen to me.
i was born with my deafness, and i think i have a 45 db loss.

the testing i had done was called:

here some information i got: about the test that i had done.

Brainstem Auditory Evoked Response (BAER)
BAER tests how well auditory signals travel to the brain. Electrodes placed on the earlobe and forehead measure response as the patient listens to a series of clicks or tone bursts through small earphones placed in the ear canals.

Results indicate the patient's hearing level and can rule out the possibility of a lesion on the auditory nerve or brainstem.

Testing requires the patient to be quiet and still. Some young children may require sedation. Test variations include:

Electrocochleography (EcogG) to check for vestibular/inner ear problems;

Middle Latency Response (MLR), which identifies central auditory processing problems;

and P300, which helps assess higher level cognitive auditory processing.
MLR and P300 are often used to assess damage caused by stroke or head injury.


the hearing aid provider said that test won't be accurate if you don't get a bone conductive thing done when you are getting your test done, she didn't know what test i was talking about so if i can get a hold of my results for this test that i had done and i can go and make some copies and give the hearing aid provider one and she would be proved wrong and she probably won't know what to say.
You could try calling or stopping in the office of the audiologist that did the hearing test for you, and explain to the audiologist what the hearing aid provider told you that the results on your hearing test are inaccurate. You can ask the audiologist to give the hearing aid provider and call, as they should be working hand in hand together to come up with the precise hearing aid for you. I would think that the hearing aid provider specializes in preparing and ordering the right hearing aid for you because that is their speciality, whereas the audiologist is the person that does the actual testing of your ears and their state of the art hearing test equipment, after the testing the results are concluded by the audiologist with the precise specifications that your hearing aid should be in accordance with your hearing level. Then the hearing aid provider goes according the the measurements he is given by the audiologist to make you the accurate hearing aid. They should not be giving you any kind of advice on what kind of hearing loss you have.
This is such a shame that you have to play seesaw with this person.
I hope something can be done for you soon, so you can receive your hearing aids the way they were meant to be ordered.
Good luck!!