I have a NEW DOG!!

yeah, I have seen this dog - very much like:shock: WHAT......is that??
physically and mentally:confused:

poor dog....
My neighbor across the street has a cockapoo that she bought from someone (cough: puppy mill) in Missouri. I tried to talk her out of it but she was sure that was what she wanted.

This is the little girl that my Casey is SOOOOO in love with. A sweet dog. Not too bright (there's the cocker in her! ;-) ) but sweet.

I would never do it myself, and certainly wouldn't pay to transport a mixed breed half-way across the country when there are shelters full of mixes, but I will say at least a cocker and a poodle are both water retrievers by breeding, and roughly the same size (mini-poodle x cocker). She's not as bad as some mixes I've seen.

She needs just as much grooming as my poodles do, though. Surprise! That's what you get when you cross the two: a dog that needs just as much grooming, PLUS sheds.