i hate when peeps do this to me....

Just saying.

well, I've never had anyone come up to me and start signing, partly because I cannot sign (I'm oral or whatever it is.)and partly because I hide my hearing aids under my hair. I've been HOH all my life and ad I've moved around a lot I've had to explain to people again and again that I'm deaf - talk to my face not the floor or the wall. I admit, this does get incredibly frustrating, however I find the most annoying thing is that people might notice I have hearing aids or during the period when I had a radio aid (God those things are annoying - I'm still at school and all the teachers just drop them. So annoying! But I do get to listen into private conversations - that gets interesting!) and they would talk about it behind my back and wouldn't actually ask me what they were! Because I live in the UK I think people aren't as forthcoming as Americans (this is a stereotype of Americans, but on my journeys to America I have found this stereotype quite accurate ;)) so they talk about it behind your back. Now obviously I hear them and I tell them what they are, but wouldn't it be so much easier of they just asked you? I mean obviously when you are having a conversation.

Another thing I find frustrating is that if you tell them that you wear hearing aids or use a radio aid (btw, that's been given back to the NHS now because obviously the audiologist was completely right and I genuinely did need this - I didn't. I manage just fine thanks.) that they automatically assume you know how they work. I haven't a clue. I just wear them I don't make them!

Just saying. :giggle: