I hate this........

Deaf are better spellers because they are more practiced at it. Finger-spelling Names and Places etc on a day to day basis.

Actually, that doesn't have a whole lot to do with it. Even deaf people who do not sign have been proven to be better spellers than hearing people.
My SO is, god bless him, the worst speller, ever !! And he's hearing. He spells everything phonetically. So when he is writing his school papers, he uses spell-check extensively. And sometimes he's so severely misspelled a word that even spell-check can't figure out what to substitute, so he asks me. I certainly don't mind. Not all deaf people are bad spellers. :)
Actually, that doesn't have a whole lot to do with it. Even deaf people who do not sign have been proven to be better spellers than hearing people.

:ty: for mentioning that - of course, I agree, TheWriteAlex. :wave: Due to strong visual all the same.