I Give Up, you win

msi is microsoft installer. i'm working on a
macintosh version right now, will be releasing
that soon.

I've been notified of download problems, so I've
moved the download to a new server.

You have to download the zip and extract the
installation file, then run the installation file.

heres the link:

the file is 50 mb large, may take a few minutes to download.

please download, test it out and let me know what you think.
I am working on a linux and mac version, also should have
a new telephone software to replace the tty in less than 1 week.

The software will let you make TTY, TDD calls to anyone with TDD, TTY, and also allow you to contact hearing people using speech recognition and speech synthesis.

I'm excited.
hate to burst ur bubbles, nextalk.net does that for tty/tty users. BUT its good to have a 2nd competion on this

thanks for showing me the nextalk site, I've
bookmarked it.

the programs and software we create are designed
to get rid of the "third party" and created a real-time
communications portal between a deaf person and
a hearing person.

example, i use my phone program that's coming out
soon. I am deaf. I enter my friends phone number in
to the program and the hearing persons home phone
rings. Once he picks it up, we are directly connected
person to person, NO THIRD PARTY.

Speech recognition and sound processing technology
allow us to recognize what hearing is saying with almost
100% accuracy.

That is translated to text on deaf persons computer,
in turn, I type something into program, i type GA, it
speaks out loud in computer voice to deaf through
phone line.

person to person communication, no third party.

that is the phone software, but the software you
are downloading now, your hearing friend
comes over to visit, he doesn't know any sign language,
you get my software, a good headset microphone, wireless
or not, and put it on your hearing friend, everything he says
is scrolled out on computer for you to read, you type on computer
keyboard, and when you type GA it starts to speak out loud
in English to your friend headset speakers.

real time, one to one communication between deaf and hearing,
with no third party, that's what's i'm doing here.

i suggest you download the program and let me know how it
goes and how well it worked for you to talk to your hearing
friend with headset microphone. when done, let me know your
thoughts and feelings.
Wow! This could have great application in the college classroom! No CART operator, no notetaker. Just a mic on the professor. Unless I am misunderstanding how this works.
Interesting concept...I haven't downloaed the software or anything, but I do have a question to ask. As anyone who has learned written English knows, written English doesn't always match spoken English. How does your program handle this -- does it look up words in something like a dictionary and determine how to pronounce the words? How does it handle uncommon and foreign words like "umeboshi paste" or "Mikhail Baryshinov"?