I found this on a site it is sad


New Member
Feb 23, 2007
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Thoughts of a Deaf Child

My family knew that I was deaf
When I was only three, and since then fifteen years ago
Have never signed to me.
I know when I'm around the house,
I try and use my voice,
It makes them feel more comfortable;
For me, I have no choice.
I try, communicate their way-
Uncomfortable for me.
My parents wouldn't learn sign
Ashamed or apathy?
I never cared about the sound of radios and bands;
What hurts me most is, I never heard
My parents' signing hands.

Stephen J. Bellitz, Reprinted from Senior News, July 1991

Deaf Poetry
the above is the website
they have much more.
Audism is the reason for this sad poem

I understand this sad poem. It was all due to Audism whereas ORALISM encouraged all DEAF kids to learn to speak and put up with their hearing loss and make the HEARING life easier instead of the other way around! We need to teach ASL to all folks who have deaf relatives and KNOCK on their heads to use it!!
Wow...that's a great poem!!!
Exactly what I went thru. Now it is siblings, nieces/nephews, great nieces/great nephews for me. Sad!