I bribe my children

Do you know of any babysitters or childcare centers that have caretakers taht know ASL. my daughter is 3 and deaf and she will need after school care while Im working.
I could relate to your post so I thought I would ask you. Im a deaf mother ,a another deaf motheras a sitter, or someone with deaf children would be good for my daughter

Dang, I wishhh I could babysit your daughter. I am deaf mother, and I having a son who is 3 years old and he's deaf. He knows a lot of ASL. But sad, you live too far from here. I am from oregon.
Discipline is all about choices and consequences. I'm a teacher by training so I'm big on positive reinforcement. Gotta catch the kid being good and reinforce it. My kid's elementary school uses a positive reinforcement system, too. In kindergarten, the kids earned stars that could be redeemed for a small prize (like an eraser or a bracelet). In 2nd grade, the kids earned cards (animal cards, I think). My kid was named a "star" for his good behavior and he got his picture posted in the cafeteria. All of this stuff is a big deal to the kids. So much of the time, the teacher has to spend time correcting disruptive students and the well behaved kids don't get the same attention. The positive reinforcement system gives the well behaved kids a good consequence for their behavior.

According to the experts, you're always supposed to give the child choices. Lately, my teenagers choices are "do your homework or I'm going to kill you!" LOL!