I am proud of myself.

WHEN was your wife implanted? Perhaps she had occification in some areas that required the removal of the hammer/anvil/stirrup? Personally I've never heard of these needing removal (though I won't say its impossible.) Its not STANDARD procedure, however, especially nowadays - the implantation is now considered outpatient, with the implantee being able to go home after a few hours post-surgery observation.

Lots of procedures are now done on an outpatient basis. Not becasue its best for the patient that way, but because the insurance company won't cover the hospital stay. Unfortunately, doctors don't determine the patient's best interest the way they used to--they are dictated to by non medical insurance comapny executives...which gives one more reason why you should avoid any surgury that is not necessary or elective in nature. Having insurance companies dictate the way care is provided increases the risk for complications.