How to handle life when recovering from CI surgery?

Hmm interesting.

Well- I use VCO with my VRS calls as I tend to do fairly well with hearing AND seeing the signs (that and I am a tad my own signing as it is (nobody to chat with and I don't get out much :() plus hearing people seem to do better when I call via VRS & VCO (they never hear it's a VRS call). Someday I suspect I'll be doing straight VRS with no VCO...

As for CapTel- yes it was with VCO back then and it still had major issues for me like nailed said- significant lag and my hearing is fair but still sucks so I HAD to read- the problem is that there is too much of a lag between when the other person speaks and actually seeing the captions. And hearing people hated waiting and were impatient EVEN when it was explained why.

As for InnoCaptions- they may have started with CA numbers because most times the app is for cell phones so no long distance charges. Am a little surprised though that there are still some areas that still charge for long distance calls- I don't think I've seen that in years but then again it's been about 4-5 years since I've actively used a land line anyway. I'm about to check InnoCaptions to see if it's worth adding to my cell phone. Don't know how well it will work as hearing on my cell and hearing on my PC is markedly different I've noticed (no standalone for VRS like the ZMax- no room either in my "office" or in Dad's (we have tons of computers and tvs between us yikes).
Hmm interesting.

Well- I use VCO with my VRS calls as I tend to do fairly well with hearing AND seeing the signs (that and I am a tad my own signing as it is (nobody to chat with and I don't get out much :() plus hearing people seem to do better when I call via VRS & VCO (they never hear it's a VRS call). Someday I suspect I'll be doing straight VRS with no VCO...

As for CapTel- yes it was with VCO back then and it still had major issues for me like nailed said- significant lag and my hearing is fair but still sucks so I HAD to read- the problem is that there is too much of a lag between when the other person speaks and actually seeing the captions. And hearing people hated waiting and were impatient EVEN when it was explained why.

As for InnoCaptions- they may have started with CA numbers because most times the app is for cell phones so no long distance charges. Am a little surprised though that there are still some areas that still charge for long distance calls- I don't think I've seen that in years but then again it's been about 4-5 years since I've actively used a land line anyway. I'm about to check InnoCaptions to see if it's worth adding to my cell phone. Don't know how well it will work as hearing on my cell and hearing on my PC is markedly different I've noticed (no standalone for VRS like the ZMax- no room either in my "office" or in Dad's (we have tons of computers and tvs between us yikes).

I think you are mainly responding to my post.

We are in way different parts of the US (NC & IL I think). Where I am in Southern Illinois landlines are VERY common with a lot of people and, of course, businesses, having them. Also very common are people that have both a landline and a cell phone. I do know a very few that have gone to just cell phones.

I have lost track of if it came up in this thread or not; but I do not sign.
I think you are mainly responding to my post.

We are in way different parts of the US (NC & IL I think). Where I am in Southern Illinois landlines are VERY common with a lot of people and, of course, businesses, having them. Also very common are people that have both a landline and a cell phone. I do know a very few that have gone to just cell phones.

I have lost track of if it came up in this thread or not; but I do not sign.
Might be more similar than you think ;) My parents still have their landline... I think my sister has one too- not sure on that. Both also use cell phones - sister uses hers more than my parents use theirs but even with parents the landline is mostly turning into an answering machine. I don't know what their long distance package is though.

What I was surprised at was the billing- I've seen more of the "unlimited long distance packages" in the last few years than the per minute ones.

This article shed a little light regarding charges for long distance- it's a little old but found it interesting too because of the routing and potential charges from companies that aren't your carrier.
I had Cap-Tel for awhile. I didn't like it, too many errors, people didn't like calling me on it. I gave it back.

Angel, can you successfully use a phone with your CI's? Either landline or cell without captions, just answer or make a call and start speaking to the other person?
My reply is totally off-topic, I was surprised at that people are still using landlines. I do not think I know of a single person other than my parents who have a landline. I assumed everyone went to cell phones like me! :)
Might be more similar than you think ;) My parents still have their landline... I think my sister has one too- not sure on that. Both also use cell phones - sister uses hers more than my parents use theirs but even with parents the landline is mostly turning into an answering machine. I don't know what their long distance package is though.

What I was surprised at was the billing- I've seen more of the "unlimited long distance packages" in the last few years than the per minute ones.

This article shed a little light regarding charges for long distance- it's a little old but found it interesting too because of the routing and potential charges from companies that aren't your carrier.

I thought I remember a post where you said when you started collage. I found it and, if you went into college directly from high school, based on just age I could be your mother! I have always found that once an adult interests make much more difference than age.
My reply is totally off-topic, I was surprised at that people are still using landlines. I do not think I know of a single person other than my parents who have a landline. I assumed everyone went to cell phones like me! :)

Hey, stop talking about us old folks who don't give up things easily. :giggle:

I keep debating with myself about getting rid of the landline for $$ reasons, but haven't...yet. I use it to screen calls (only give my cell # to people/businesses that I want to have it). I also use it on my resume/job boards (since I seem to find myself unemployed often enough). I also, on occasion, have a reason to fax something and like the convenience of doing it from home.

My apartment will have Verizon's "internet" phone line, and I believe it will cost less than my current phone line. (What a pain it was to set up the switch from the house to the apartment this past week and now I won't have service in the apartment until Tuesday - their earliest availability (told them to keep it in the house till then since I'll be over here clearing stuff out).
I can't understand a thing on the phone, so the decision to let that go was easy. I had only been using it for fax purposes. The only people who have my cell number are family, work, and friends who can text me. I do not give it out to anyone else. I'm able to stay in touch with doctors and various other businesses via email.
I can't understand a thing on the phone, so the decision to let that go was easy. I had only been using it for fax purposes. The only people who have my cell number are family, work, and friends who can text me. I do not give it out to anyone else. I'm able to stay in touch with doctors and various other businesses via email.

Wow, you're lucky, I can't get my doctor's office to use e-mail. They call every time they have a message, I either struggle through or ask them to put the info in the mail. My husband is also good about making my calls for me.
My reply is totally off-topic, I was surprised at that people are still using landlines. I do not think I know of a single person other than my parents who have a landline. I assumed everyone went to cell phones like me! :)

Oh, and I also am not ready to give up landline even though I don't use it much. I have one girlfriend that I can understand for a quick chat. My husband uses a cell, I used to have one when he was traveling for work we would text. Just don't have that many people in my life that would text me any more. All, or most, of my family(parents, sisters) have passed away.
Wow, you're lucky, I can't get my doctor's office to use e-mail. They call every time they have a message, I either struggle through or ask them to put the info in the mail. My husband is also good about making my calls for me.

My former doctors office wouldn't use email either. It was only when I moved a year ago that my new doctors office is all tech-savvy, they use email and I can go online to schedule appointments. Prior to that my husband had to call for me every time. The relay services in this area suck so I did away with that too.
Oh, and I also am not ready to give up landline even though I don't use it much. I have one girlfriend that I can understand for a quick chat. My husband uses a cell, I used to have one when he was traveling for work we would text. Just don't have that many people in my life that would text me any more. All, or most, of my family(parents, sisters) have passed away.

I'm sorry so much of your family has passed away. Hugs.
I can't understand a thing on the phone, so the decision to let that go was easy. I had only been using it for fax purposes. The only people who have my cell number are family, work, and friends who can text me. I do not give it out to anyone else. I'm able to stay in touch with doctors and various other businesses via email.
yep that was one of the reasons why I got rid of my was increasingly harder to hear anything. Kind of odd- the newer phones don't amplify loud enough. Liked my blocky phone with separate receiver. The amplifiers I used were LOUD lol.

All of mine use email or have a online set up like myChart (though having trouble registering for one I don't know why). Now if I could just get job recruiters to be more amenable...

I was reading the blog on a site someone posted on FB- A consulting firm that specializes in working with disabled workers and hiring for jobs..and came across this blog entry.

While I get WHY they feel that way, I was about ready to scream- a site/company geared to disabled and the post doesn't consider DEAF people...! Too bad no comment section even if the blog entry is 2 years old.

(whoops sorry- starting to drift from the OP )
My reply is totally off-topic, I was surprised at that people are still using landlines. I do not think I know of a single person other than my parents who have a landline. I assumed everyone went to cell phones like me! :)

Most businesses utilize land lines... For home phones I'd have to agree with you though.
I think you are mainly responding to my post.

We are in way different parts of the US (NC & IL I think). Where I am in Southern Illinois landlines are VERY common with a lot of people and, of course, businesses, having them. Also very common are people that have both a landline and a cell phone. I do know a very few that have gone to just cell phones.

I have lost track of if it came up in this thread or not; but I do not sign.

My reply is totally off-topic, I was surprised at that people are still using landlines. I do not think I know of a single person other than my parents who have a landline. I assumed everyone went to cell phones like me! :)

Most businesses utilize land lines... For home phones I'd have to agree with you though.

Location, location, location! Age may also be a factor. Where I am I can think of less than a handfull of people that have gone to ONLY cell phones.