How many hours you sleep each night?

How many hours sleep you get per day? On average

  • <4

    Votes: 3 6.0%
  • 4-5

    Votes: 9 18.0%
  • 6-7

    Votes: 23 46.0%
  • 8-9

    Votes: 11 22.0%
  • 10-12

    Votes: 2 4.0%
  • Other

    Votes: 2 4.0%

  • Total voters
I like 8-9. But I'm an admitted slug. Boy goes to school at 7:15, I go back to bed. Two days a week I teach water aerobics, then I almost always have to take a nap - or later a nap will take me!

Can't help it. I love to snooze with a cat on my chest!

Awww!! Me too! And my S.O. too. Phantom always sneak under the blanket cover to make herself warmth and protected within us.
I have been having crappy nights lately due to my fibro, so last night I took a sleeping pill and slept for 9 hours. Will not take one tonight, but I have so much to catch up on, that I hope to do this every so often, but not get myself hooked to the sleeping pills like I did once before.
I prefer 8 or 9 hours, but the prob is my sleep is not smooth.

I find that I don't function so well after having slept for less than 7 hours of sleep. But I demand to sleep for 9 hours if I could.

I guess you could say sleeping is one of my fave hobby. :giggle:
7 to 8 hrs usually... rarely under if my daughter kaylynn's already awake! :-P
i cant sleep for more the three hours at a time. ill be fully charged for a while then i desperately need two more hours of sleep.
No 7-8 option for me :(

When I am working full time schedule, I don't feel rested enough with 6-7 hours. I need 7-8 and feel ok!

I can't sleep past 9-10 hours, never can oversleep unless jetlag from overseas schedule. I came back from Korea, I slept 10-11 hours in the day, etc.

No insomnia for me or anything like that so I rarely sleep little unless I stay up doing something all night, like I did for class back in college.

What great a photo! I love it!!
Speaking of sleep , I wish I had camera to show you how Marty is sleeping right now!! I go to bed around 1AM and get up at 8:30AM if Marty will let me sleep !
If i go to bed too early I end up staying awake in bed.
I feel bad for a lot of you ppl. Im'ma heavy sleeper. :) I usually git 8 to 10 hrs of sleep a day. I feel so fresh when I wake up.

4 hrs is not healthy at all.
Been a rough week. Only had 6 hours for the last 3 nights total. (2 hours a night)
I couldn't answer due to my varied sleep routine. If it's a good night, I will get around 7-8. If it's a pain filled night, I get around 1-3. If I am sick (rarely) then it 4-5.

I can't really answer either. I normally get around 4 to 6 hours of sleep though once in a blue moon I will sleep way more than that.

Also the times that I sleep will vary a great deal. One week I'm a lark and a couple of weeks later i'm in my night owl stage. I can't get my pattern to normal hours at all.
Unfortunately art school is a like 3 full times job + a marriage + 4 kids. So yeah, what is sleep. What is weekends. What is social life -.-