How is your weather today??

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It's supposed to rain all week and weekend.... blech! Windy too?! I about blew over today in my driveway!! :mad:
mostly sunny all week with the temps into mid 70's. :)
Sunny but COLD!


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We had a dusting of snow last night and there was a layer of thick ice on the steps and my condo idiotic manger removed the sand and ice melt and shovel . We can get snow in April and we're told not to plant anything until at least May first.
We had a dusting of snow last night and there was a layer of thick ice on the steps and my condo idiotic manger removed the sand and ice melt and shovel . We can get snow in April and we're told not to plant anything until at least May first.

My neighbor planted new flowers last weekend and I was thinking tooooo soon! I am sure she is regretting it now. Like you, I am waiting until the first weekend of May
We had a dusting of snow last night and there was a layer of thick ice on the steps and my condo idiotic manger removed the sand and ice melt and shovel . We can get snow in April and we're told not to plant anything until at least May first.

These grow there every year. No need to plant seeds, as they do that themselves, although their blooming is a little early.
Boy, was it windy and cool last night after the rain...and this AM, it's cool too......quite a contrast to our weather these past few days....Sun is peeking out tho'...People doing their yard work....*thinking of heading on down to Home Depot* for some more flowers.....
:squint: poor kids. They said to me, " do we have to wear winter jacket." I said, "up to you if you want to feel cold, thats your call." guess they took my advice. LOL!

this am it was 24, but now its 27. actually I told them that today is just one day.. tomorrow it should return to 50's so they can wear thinner jacket. they say, " oh alright!!!"
These grow there every year. No need to plant seeds, as they do that themselves, although their blooming is a little early.

Yeah but some people are planting annual flowers now and we are told it's best to wait till the last frost which hopefully will be around May first .
I am thinking of planting some flowers to made my condo look nicer as I want to move out in the worst way !
We had snow this morning. It's not sticking though. It is about mid-30's right now.
:squint: poor kids. They said to me, " do we have to wear winter jacket." I said, "up to you if you want to feel cold, thats your call." guess they took my advice. LOL!

this am it was 24, but now its 27. actually I told them that today is just one day.. tomorrow it should return to 50's so they can wear thinner jacket. they say, " oh alright!!!"

I slept with my bedroom window open last night as it was warm yesterday and I woke up thinking boy it cold in my room . I did not hear that we where getting snow last night. It was about 30 degrees colder today .
crap, cold and wet, but not too cold still walking around inside house with undies and T-shirt and no heater on....not too bad....just wet and windy outside, and not too windy whew because im gonna collect some river rocks from the river (know where to go and wont be conspicuous heh heh) today for building the soak-pit for a friend....(about 2 wheelbarrow loads' worth) thats about 50-100$ at garden shops screw them!!
crap, cold and wet, but not too cold still walking around inside house with undies and T-shirt and no heater on....not too bad....just wet and windy outside, and not too windy whew because im gonna collect some river rocks from the river (know where to go and wont be conspicuous heh heh) today for building the soak-pit for a friend....(about 2 wheelbarrow loads' worth) thats about 50-100$ at garden shops screw them!!

I am going to need to see some photos to if you really are only wearing your undies and T-shirt . Old ladies are :naughty: too. :giggle:
We are actually getting a storm tonight and another on Thursday. Winds are going to be 25mph so looks like our summer weather is going to be hiding for a bit. Not a lot of rain predicted but we will take whatever we can. Sierras might get some snow in the higher elevations too.
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