How easy for Deaf to learn to drive a stick?

deafclimber said:

how much wud the new battery replacement be after hybrids car battery died ? i heard they say 5k - 8k dollars.

Oh, boy. Do I have do reseach for you? Instead of googling becasue of long period to find the right fact, I made a call Toyota dealership.

Here is what the new car saleperson said: The cost of battires may be currently around $2,500 but the cost will definitely be significantly lower
after driving or when u have 100 000 miles.

In future, it s possible for the cost of $4,000 that u would have to replace the batteries in 10 to 15 years possibly but all the batteries in toyota hybrids are warranty 8 years or 100 000 miles because of the extent of the warranty there is no knowledge of the cost of a battery beyond the length of the warranty.

Wow, you will have to replace the batteries in 10 to 15 years.

I really don't need to dig the deepth info. You may need to go to Toyota store to find out more details about replacing batteries. My assumption is that you may replace the normal battery for starting or whatever. However, I am not expertise in the hybrid system. I would like purchase when the prices declines later...
Just feel the engine roughy, that mean change to the shift. Like i always do with shifts and clutch with ATV too.
Er...I never understood what the big deal was about using a stick shift. You can either hear the revs, feel the revs, use the tachometer, or a combination thereof to determine when to shift. Some people are very good at it, some average and some just plain lousy shifters.

Even with my HA, many centuries ago, when I first started learning to use a stick, I always went by the feel of it or the tachometer.

Hearing in of itself has nothing to do whether one could use a stick shift. There are some limitations that deaf people have but this isn't one of them.
I am learning how to drive a stick shift w/ my dad and my older brother... and it was hard at first, but then I got used it later. I can hear everything... the noises & feel the vroom sound, I may be deaf, but I can hear it well and talk well, too. LOL. I'm just like everyone... being regular. :scatter: